A CHILD HAS TO BE GERMAN AND RIGHT NOW! Katarzyna Woynarowska - TopicsExpress


A CHILD HAS TO BE GERMAN AND RIGHT NOW! Katarzyna Woynarowska talks with Wojciech Pomorski, a chief of the Polish Association of Parents Against Discrimination of Children in Germany (Dyskryminacja.de) KATARZYNA WOYNAROWSKA: - How many issues is the Association which you founded, is dealing with now? WOJCIECH POMORSKI: - Our Association Dyskryminacja.de non stop is joined in by people with their request for help, because the German office for management of children and the youth, that is, Jugendamt, in today’s form founded in 1939 by Hitler, whose aim was germanization of children, keeps their children in shelters of the so-called ‘foster families’ even against court verdicts beneficial for parents. There are days, when we receive 2-3 phone calls or e-mails daily and there are also those when we have a dozen of them. At the moment there are many issues, where there are attempts, as it usually happens, to find psychiatric disorders among Polish parents in order to take away their children at any cost. We should remember that families about which I am talking here, are not any pathology (it is maybe 2 per cent), but people who are resourceful in their life, often highly educated, and their only ‘fault’ is the fact that they are Poles. There can only be a contrived reason, like for example, a child is sad after his grandma’s death or is simply ‘scared’ at school, because he met new people at school, or hears a new language or he cannot find a toilet in it. Instead of understanding this child and helping him, he is often taken to a psychiatrist and there are attempt to find an alleged psychiatric illness in him and in his parents. This kind of a scenario of attempts to find psychiatric disorders among Polish parents through the so-called opinions of judicial psychiatrists and taking away their children under this pretext, concerns 97 per cent cases. The Germans and the Austrians are dying out, and, therefore, they are urgently looking for – caring about their old disgraceful tradition – new coming generation for new generations of the Germans and the Austrians, just among the families of immigrants from other countries, and especially from Poland. – On what legal basis is the German office Jugendamt taking away children from people with Polish passports? Because their interventions do not concerns only families, in which one of the parents has German citizenship, does it? – On the area of the German country, in the first place, a child belongs to Jugendamt, as the so-called ‘the first parent’. Only in the second place there are biological parents. Jugendamt has had unlimited authority since the times of Hitler and I am saying again – it has not changed. It can even ignore the court verdict beneficial for parents and it often happens so, because here it is not all about only the process of populating Germany and Austria, but also about receiving big money for every Polish child, reaching even 7-8 thousand euro monthly. It brings benefits to the Jugendamt and activists of this post-Hitler organization of the status of the office. Jugendamt can do everything. It nearly always interferes in the case of divorce of parents and it is practically a rule that a foreigner loses a child and a German parents receives the child. In fact, in Polish-German marriages, these are Polish women who get married to German men in 99 per cent. So, in Germany and Austria- only for nationalistic reasons – these are Polish mothers who lose their children, which is a reverse of statistics, because in one-ethnical marriages, it is practically a rule that children – in 95 per cent – remain with their mothers. I even know extreme ‘cases’ that the German court acknowledged the indication of Jugendamt of giving a child to a German father who had been convicted of pedophilia, so that the child would not return to Poland with his mother. The child has to be German and right now! This is the brutal truth. – Does Jugendamt undertake similar actions also towards citizens of other countries apart from Poland? – In the case of families from Islamic countries, Germans shows a far-reaching carefulness. They may be aware that they would surely get the proverbial ‘knife in the belly’ for taking away an Islamic child and upbringing him in the European culture. However, they are doing with Poles what they want… – In your pronouncements in newspapers you say about badly-functioning – or completely helpless – Polish consular services. Is there still such ‘helplessness’ among them? – Nobody supports us. Our present government of Tusk has a servile attitude of a petitioner – not a partner towards Germany. Among people of this community, there is a mentality of being subjected, with which our Association – Dyskryminacja.de does not agree, because this attitude proves the lack of dignity, honour and political-diplomatic inspiration. In my opinion, it is embarrassing and insults our Polish nation. The actual prime minister Tusk does not want to disturb as he said: ‘the best polish-German relations for decades’. We cannot rely on the foreign institutions of the polish Republic subordinated to Sikorski (consulates and embassies). They do not want to expose themselves to a risk for Polish children and they ignore signals and notifications about troubles of Poles in Germany. They prefer to maintain warm and very well-paid ‘jobs’ and drink champagne at banquets for their well-chosen supernumeraries, raising toasts for Polish-German ‘friendship’. But we, Poles in exile, know the truth and we know what this ‘friendship’ and cooperation look like and how we are treated. Our Association Dyskryminacja.de – our fight for Polish children and Polish Language and our culture are not granted by the present Polish government of Tusk and the Foreign Ministry of Sikorski. Instead, it was granted when Anna Fotyga was the Foreign Minister at the times of the government of the Law and Justice party. We are only financed by membership fees and grants from people of the good will, and the costs of attorneys and judicial processes in Germany are horrendous and are even a dozen thousand Euro. – Can you tell our readers about a few stories in whose solutions Your Association has participated? – I know a lot of such stories and each of them is dramatic. Watching over-zeal of Jugendamt, German and Austrian courts, polices trying to take away a child from Polish parents at any cost and in all ways, one can write a scenario from a few thrillers. They can arrive by a fire engine at a window and try to enforce their way into a flat on the third floor at night, because a mother, defending her children, had barricaded the door; or in a shop, during daytime, they can throw a mother holding her child in her arms onto the floor, twist her hands and hold so long, till the child, grabbed by force and crying for his mother will not go away with strangers by car to the place known only to the activists of Jugendamt. In the best case, parents are allowed to see their children once a week, later twice a week – certainly, under the control of vigilant activists of Jugendamt – and a child is being gradually separated from his parents, till one day he is taken away to a foster family, then he loses his contact with his parents forever and is, obviously, brought up to be a German/Austrian. In this case, an immediate help is necessary of good and reliable specialists. If court verdicts appear which are unbeneficial for parents (and parents are often deprived of parental rights very quickly), later it is difficult to ‘avert’ it, but in our Polish Association Parents Against Discrimination of Children in Germany – Dyskryminacja.de – we have many experts and very good specialists – including the former employee of Jugendamt, who resigned from the work in this organization for ethical reasons and has been acting in our Association for two years. Therefore, the effectiveness of our actions is very high. – What issue (or issues) do you regard as Your biggest success? – You are asking about our biggest success. Every Polish child, who after such a difficult and psychically and physically exhausting fight returns to his Polish parents is a great success for us and a great joy. We come very emotionally related to people whom we help and experience their situation and their fight for their children. It is impossible to describe the view of the tormented and exhausted parents with words, who, with tears in their eyes, take back their children from German shelters or the so-called foster families. A tear is whirling in the eye. For such a moment it is worth making every effort. Every moment like that is a great success for us. And awareness that this little child – ‘grabbed back’ from the hands of Jugendamt will grow to be a Pole in the Polish family and will be able to speak Polish freely is personally a great joy for me, because my two little daughters have been Germanized by Jugendamt in Germany and Austria for 10 years against my will, and which, with my German ex-wife, organized abduction of my beloved little daughters from their family home in Hamburg. In every Polish child rescued from Jugendamt, I see my own little daughters and I know very well what parents feel. I enjoy their happiness and stopping their suffering. Suffering and separation of my daughters Justyna and Iwona caused by Jugendamt and the state apparatus of the German and Austrian countries, as well as suffering of my Polish family has been lasting for over 10 years. I do not want anybody experience the similar sea of pain and, therefore, I am fighting – also as a chairman of the earlier mentioned institution founded by me – with the whole heart for every Polish child, who is hurt by the organization Jugendamt in the German and Austrian countries, defined as a criminal organization by me and other experts. I know that we will finally win this fight and will achieve big changes in the nationalistic Jugendamt organizations, because we are fighting in the name of love and truth and for the sake of families and God is behind it. And if God is with us….Who is against us?
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 21:02:19 +0000

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