A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE and the LAST DAYS GREATER EXODUS: The Messianic Kingdom or Kingdom of Heaven, whos King is Yeshua HaMashiach (aka Jesus Christ) is about a LIFE-STYLE. Its about a way of living; so much so, that it has its own King who declares His own Holy Days or Holi-days (Holidays). They are not Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving, etc. These are Holy Days of the world that grew from America and Europe. The only Holidays or Holy-Days in the Bible are Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost (Shavuot), Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Feast of Tabernacles. They are all a celebration of life. They have meaning, depth and substance. They are truly to be festival days, and that is why they are called feasts. They are to be a time of decorating the home in a special way, inviting your family and neighbors and eating fantastic meals. The differentiation of the worlds ethnicities is what can make this a truly festive meal. The only exception to this is the Day of Atonement which is a fast day, and the only required fast in the Bible. The King of Kings loves to have feasts with His people, His Sons and Daughters; who collectively are His Bride. Did you know that the Wedding Supper of the Lamb is the Feast of Tabernacles? If you are not keeping this feast already or dont know about it, what does it say about your status at the Wedding Supper of the Lamb? Because The LORD God (Yahuah Elohim) is both a type of Husband and Father, He made us in His own image to understand Him better. He made us male and female to be united and bear children - to be family. The natural family unit reflects the Father (man/father), Son (children) and Holy Spirit (woman/mother). If you look into the Hebrew, the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is feminine in nature. Attributes such as Wisdom are a part of the Spirit. It is time to let go of Babylonian and Egyptian traditions. Although they may seem innocent, they have no place in the Kingdom of Heaven, and you will not find them celebrated there. As a matter of fact, these holidays have occult roots and are an abomination unto the King of Kings. If these holidays have occult roots, who is the author of them? Why let Satan continue to deceive you? Why let the ruling elites who worship Satan continue to deceive you? In light of this, Messiahs Grace resounds and He is ready to forgive those who do not know any better. Receive His Holidays and reject Satans deception. Be the thief on the cross and repent even at the last moment and return to your Messiah who, in His loving-kindness, is drawing you to come to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. Return to His Kingdom and let meaningless, shallow customs go, abandon them and embrace His holidays. Want to be blessed? throw out all your abominations. There is major Biblical event called the Greater Exodus of the Last Days. It will parallel the Great Tribulation. The Woman in the Wilderness of Revelation is the collective whole of people all over the world who make it into the Greater Exodus and are delivered from the Great Tribulation. Each of us will fall into one of these two groups. There is a caveat, however; you must be willing to let go of your Babylonian and Egyptian traditions. It is nearing the midnight hour, and just as the thief on the cross asked sincere forgiveness at the last minutes of his life, so you too can be delivered in this last moment count-down to the Greater Exodus and Great Tribulation. Just as the Egyptians joined the Hebrews in the Exodus of Moses, so will many of you out there who do not know better join the Hebrews of today, who know somewhat better, in the Last Days Greater Exodus. In this Greater Exodus, there will be a Moses type - and collectively, these are the 144,000 men who are anointed in the likeness of the Judges and Disciples to lead and carry out this deliverance. This spring 2015, in the month of Nisan, which is the month of the Exodus of Moses; around Passover, the Greater Exodus and Great Tribulation may begin. This is March to April on the Gregorian calendar. This assertion is based on the principle of the Jubilee which is beyond the scope of this note. If the Greater Exodus does not begin, I do not know any other principle to base upon for its timing. For 14 years, I have had my focus on 2017 and 2018 for Messiahs return. As we draw closer, it seems more and more, the Last Days will be like the Days of Noah where it will be judgement that brings SUDDEN destruction. The verses speaking of the Abomination of Desolation also agree with an event of sudden destruction that kicks off the Great Tribulation. It seems a major earthquake with global consequences or an asteroid impact will be that sudden destruction. Re-call the flood of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah. It seems this time will be 3.5 years beginning spring 2015 to fall 2018, that is Passover 2015 to Tabernacles 2018. Lastly, there is a rapture but it will be toward the end of the Greater Exodus and Great Tribulation for those saints who make it to the end of the Greater Exodus. The Greater Exodus is a purifying experience to prepare the Bride for the Bridegroom. The personalities we have will be challenged and hearts will be polished. Those that do not progressively change will fall as Korah did in the Exodus of Moses. You will find related posts with other details on SolomonsPorch.TV Facebook page and website. Be sure to Like SolomonsPorch.TV Facebook page and visit the website at SolomonsPorch.TV to stay abreast of important Biblical principles and events to sharpen your discernment. Be sure to share and invite those who you know. Yakov Levi SolomonsPorch.TV
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:49:28 +0000

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