A CLEAR ­majority of Scots want Holyrood to have greater powers - TopicsExpress


A CLEAR ­majority of Scots want Holyrood to have greater powers than those being promised by the Smith Commission, according to a new poll. Some 63% support the full devolution of taxes and welfare, an ICM survey for the academic Centre for Constitutional Change found. The poll also found 58% supported giving MSPs power over pensions, 57% power over energy policy, and 62% power over environmental legislation. And on immigration, 47% of Scots wanted Holyrood to lead, against 36% preferring Westminster. Only on defence and foreign policy did Westminster come ahead of Holyrood, with 48% saying London should be in control, against 36% for Edinburgh. The online survey of 1500 Scots was conducted between November 6 and 12. Although this was before the Smith Commission on devolution reported on Thursday, the findings suggest the Smith package falls short of the publics desire for sweeping devolution. Set up to deliver the pre-referendum Unionist vow of extensive new powers after a No vote, the Commission recommended devolving income-tax rates and bands and a handful of welfare benefits, as well as giving Holyrood control of its elections. In total, about £20 million of Holyroods £32 billion budget will come from taxes raised in Scotland - though not all will be devolved - and MSPs will also have control over £2.5bn of welfare benefits. Labour, the LibDems and Tories said the package delivered the vow, but the SNP and Greens on the Commission criticised it as inadequate. Former Labour first ­minister Lord McConnell said on Friday that everybody involved may come to regret putting all the eggs in the income-tax basket rather than looking at a spread of taxes. Professor Ailsa Henderson, lead author of a report based on the poll, said: There is widespread support for increased powers for the ­Scottish Parliament in the areas of tax and welfare. We now know the conclusions of the Smith Commission, and people can make their own assessments of the extent to which those conclusions reflect public opinion. SNP MSP Linda Fabiani said: This poll only highlights how the Smith Commission was a missed opportunity to devolve the welfare system in order to help build a fairer, more prosperous society. Scottish LibDem leader Willie Rennie said the SNP had snapped the olive branch offered by Smith, stoking grievance to get a second referendum. Former Labour prime minister Gordon Brown, who is expected to retire as an MP in six months, yesterday claimed he was pressing the reset button of Scottish politics in the wake of the Smith Commission report, and urged politicians to shift their focus from the constitution to economic and social change. He told Labour councillors in Glasgow: The argument will no longer be what the Scottish Parliament cant do, it is about what it can do. It will only be the Labour Party that will be able to use the powers of the Scottish Parliament to the full benefit of the Scottish people when we are re-elected to power in 2016. He also urged Labour supporters who voted Yes in September to back Labour next May to defeat the Tories and get £450m more for health and youth unemployment. Prime Minister David Cameron said yesterday that the Saltire would fly proudly over Downing Street today to mark St Andrews Day. The key to a successful future is working, as one, for the good of us all, he said
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 10:23:12 +0000

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