A CLUELESS PRESIDENT AND HIS RETROGRESSIVE GOVERNMENT POSTED ON JUNE 23, 2014 by Akuma Stephen One of the frequent clause used by Jonathanians on my Facebook wall is “you hate Goodluck”. I spent some time to search for the meaning of the word ‘hate’ in the dictionary and I got synonyms like dislike, distaste, abhorrence etc. So do I really hate/ dislike/distaste the human person called Goodluck or I hate the incompetence of a president who goes by the name Goodluck? An incompetence that has reduced the living condition of an average Nigerian from $1 a day to nothing a day, an incompetence that do not give a damn to the oil spillage and gas flaring in the Niger Delta, that has made Nigerians to accept untimely death by bomb blast as normal as handshake, incompetence that has kept Polytechnic students at home for 10 months, that has made the Naira to continue fall in the exchange market, incompetence that has establish stealing (corruption) as a norm, incompetence that cannot fix the East-West road, the 2nd Niger bridge, the Lagos-Ibadan expressway, the Benin-Ore road, the Lafia-Makurdi-Enugu dualization project, the dredging of the Niger and Benue river, the epileptic power supply with more megawatts leading to more darkness, the moribund textile industries in North, the comatose state of Ajakuta and Delta steel companies, incompetence that cannot build one Refinery in four years. This is the mess the Jonathanians wants us to swallow because they are benefiting from the clueless status quo. Let’s rewind back to 2007. We had a President called Musa Yar’Adua whose inaugural speech on assumption of office gave us a clear insight of his personality. He told us that the election that brought him to power was not transparent, he then made efforts to correct the system and he made the rule of law to prevail. That is why ACN were able to claim their victory in Osun and Ekiti state in court without presidential interference of court process. Yaradua began by declaring his assets – meaning that he is not into government to steal money. He went further to reduce the pump price of fuel per litre from N75 to N70, then from 70 to N65 and there was no queue in our filling stations. He created the Niger Delta Ministry and gave some thugs like Asari Dokubo the freedom from mosquito bites in the creeks via Amnesty. He allocated 2% of company tax to Tertiary Education Trust Fund for the training of University Lecturers. A Director at TETF told me that the decision was made in one week and no committee was setup. Over 500 University lecturers are on this scholarship in UK. Imagine the impact this will bring to our Universities when they return. Your guess is as good as mine. When a government is good/ competent, you will not need to reduce yourself to a sycophant to have a taste of the national cake. We now have a president called Goodluck Jonathan who is busy promoting a voodoo rebasing economics that is aimed at causing pains on the already disenchanted masses while empowering the elites. Even a new born baby can feel the ‘fresh air’ of corruption of this administration. People are actually getting to know the cluelessness of the president based on his internal policies. I got to know that Nigerians entered a ‘one chance bus’ when GEJ started dishing out his foreign policies in 2011. We had a situation in Côte d’Ivoire where the French troops invaded an African country without taking permission from the AU and they removed a sitting president (Laurent Gbagbo) through a coup, replacing him with their surrogate (Alassane Ouattara). While other African leaders cried foul, our President endorsed Ouattara without considering the effect of such nonsense on our continent. This gave the West the impetus to invade Libya and kill innocent women and children with cluster bombs without seeking the consent of AU. Even at that, while President Zuma of South Africa, former President Wade of Senegal and Late President of Atta Mills of Ghana were trying to broker peace between the rebels and Gaddafi, President Jonathan quickly joined the West to declare the faceless bandits/rebels as the interim government in Libya. These bandits were responsible for the death of thousands of Nigerians and other Africans living in Libya. Today Libya is like Somalia and different militia groups are holding sway to territories they can conquer and arrogate to themselves. The Western media has turned a blind eye to Libya, leaving them to their fate. So if there is anything good about this president I will say it. But there is nothing good about him apart from his use of state and social media to polarize Nigerians along religious and ethnic lines to the admiration of some religious bigots and ethnic jingoists. His misrule is leading the country to a social, political and economic disaster. He has succeeded in making us a laughing stock in Africa and the rest of the world. This is one of the worst (if not the worst) administrations in Nigeria since the amalgamation in 1914. By the grace of God (Insha Allah) in 2015, this clueless government and its cohorts will be permanently placed in our darkest memories and our museum of post-colonial tragedies. I call on all Nigerians to mobilize and vote out this clueless government in 2015 so that we can usher the country back to its prosperous path.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:42:57 +0000

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