A CONCERNED AMERICAN ALIENATED? Okay...Someone needs to help me - TopicsExpress


A CONCERNED AMERICAN ALIENATED? Okay...Someone needs to help me understand. Everyday I read where a Liberal, a Conservative, a this or a that is creating a problem because they are one of the two? What the heck happens when you dont let someone pigeon hole you into to being an absolute Conservative or Liberal. What happens when you make a conscience choice on what you believe with common sense facts and do not make your choice based on how you are suppose to think if you are a given Label? I have friends and family members that are so articulate, so adept at talking to masses of people while never forgetting a single fact, who then go on to lose 50-75% of their potential audience with name-calling, labeling, etc. Why not deliver a given message with well received common sense viewpoints and let everyone then decide on what they think versus instant alienation with labels and name-calling? This I believe would better serve all Concerned Americans and create thought versus instant negative conflict. We are so busy alienating each other with labels and name-calling we cant have a common sense meeting of the minds. If you call me a name or label me make it a Concerned American. Baffled. I need someone much brighter then I to explain this so I get it?
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 12:01:49 +0000

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