A CONFERENCE OF HOPE?Any country built on a wrong foundation or - TopicsExpress


A CONFERENCE OF HOPE?Any country built on a wrong foundation or falsehood is no nation.It is trite to state that Nigeria is yet to attain nationhood.A country where there are fundamental defects in structure and governance associated with a general system collapse cannot be said to have attained nationhood.The reality or true position is that Nigeria is a failed state.The indices of a failed state are quite glaring before us;high level of insecurity,unacceptable level of unemployment,food insecurity,extreme poverty,poor educational system,weak and inefficient public institutions,low life expectancy,high level of corruption,injustices,poor infrastructure,human right violations,poor or absence of a democratic culture,poor electoral system,unpredictable and unstable economy,inconsistent policies,religous intolerance etc.These were reasons why Nigerians called for a national confab more than a decade ago to pave way for a new Nigeria.Past rulers and even the current ruler,President Jonathan were skeptical about organising a national confab for fear of a breakup.I am sure the obvious situation in the country coupled with overwhelming pressures from many Nigerians made President Jonathan to have a rethink.Though commendable,I am like many other Nigerians worried about the timing and what becomes of the outcome of the conference.The issues of a conference of this nature do not require a fire brigade approach.It is not just another talk show.The discussions are expected to exhume and analyse facts that would lead to numerous resolutions.Our collective failures should be laid to bare.These would certainly require more than the 3 months given by the President.Election period is quite close and it is the thinking of many concerned Nigerians that the timing of this conference seems wrong.The constitutionality of the resolutions that would be reached at the conference is yet another issue.It is a fact that the current constitution of Nigeria do not have a provision for referendum.This means the President would have no choice than to pass the resolutions of the conference to the national assembly that is a product of a defective system and structural imbalance.I therefore foresee that decisions that would be reached may have no meaningful impact as Assembly members may in their characteristic manner whittle down some of the resolutions due to selfish or regional considerations.A conference of this nature is organised once in many years and that is why issues raised must be enriching and thoroughly debated.One resounding message for the Conferees is that the unity of Nigeria is not negotiable.This may not be the mindset of some delegates but it is a must for them all.Nigeria is to remain one indivisible entity;and this is a reality we must come to accept.However,the unity of Nigeria would be negotiated by these selected delegates.It is true that issues like resource control,regional imbalance,system of govt,devolution of power,indigene versus settler,state police,local govt autonomy,freedom of worship and religous intolerance etc, may dominate the sessions.There are Nigerians who have reasoned that if past rulers had given the right leadership and direction Nigeria would have attained nationhood,and there would have been no need for a conference.If we had a system where power was not concentrated at the centre;if we had a workable system where you and I could get the best services;if our system provided for good and affordable health care;if there was some level of food security;if there were good and sustainable infrastructure and power;if there was general sense of security;if there were no denial of the rights and previledges of Nigerians residing in states other than their states of origin;if there was a good democratic culture and effective electoral processes;if there was true federalism with appropriate revenue derivation;if we had respect for the rule of law;if we had religous tolerance and freedom of worship;if we had built strong institutions;if we had low level of corruption;if we had patriotic disposition and shunned tribalism;if and if...then this conference would not have been necessary.Some of our past rulers must be blamed for the current state of the country.They drove the ship of state without purpose and vision.They provided inept leadership which led Nigeria to become a failed state.There are those who think Nigeria is not yet a failed state.I challenge such persons to give concrete proof of such a submission.A failed state may not have obvious anarchy.A failed state may not be at war.I have provided the indices of a failed state,and you would agree with me that these are quite consistent with Nigeria.Perhaps what is just left is anarchy.This is why this conference should be approached with all seriousness to find a lasting solution to Nigerias myriad of problems.It shld not be a talk show.Nigerians must see the need for unity and appreciate the numerous ethnic groups and diverse resources.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 01:15:43 +0000

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