A CONGRESS WITHOUT CONSCIENCE!! During the 2012 election campaign - TopicsExpress


A CONGRESS WITHOUT CONSCIENCE!! During the 2012 election campaign and from time to time since then, this president has been called the food stamp president in order to throw insult in his face. But the truth is that among those people receiving food stamps, 49% are white and only 26% are black. It should be noted that many people receiving food stamps are working in jobs that pay the minimum wage. Here in Prince Georges County, Maryland, go down to the metro stations or bus stops along the way at 5 in the morning and observe who are the people boarding buses and trains. They are not white collar workers: they are blue color, and they are not takers standing in line with open hands. The recent cut in the SNAP [food stamps] program is affecting millions across this country. I just saw this news item! 29,00 Alabama Vets and hundreds of troops will be impacted by these cuts. Military families redeem $100 M a year in food stamps. Politicians on the Hill have a daily mantra called We must support our troops. That is nothing but lip service and a smoke screen. When these millionaire politicians can blatantly slash programs that impact military personnel and their families, who, under normal circumstances are already struggling to keep food on the table and their kids in school, it shows that these OLD RICH politicians have no heart of compassion and serving with equity is not a part of their mindset. Although the deficit has been cut in half since the Obama White House took over, Republicans never cease to blow their trumpet about the deficit. But when the Bush Administration spent wantonly to finance two wars of their choice, these same Re Pubs were as silent as a graveyard. Now they scream loudly about spending and entitlement. God was very strict in admonishing Israel to always care for the poor, the widows, the fatherless, and the strangers among them. He counseled them to have ONE LAW throughout the land. Not so with us today! Seemingly, the only solution to Americas financial difficulties is to take from the poor and the elderly even the little that they get, while lawmakers roll and bask in their millions. If those who make our laws and sit in the seat of leadership do not display some amount of compassion for our poor and needy; the strangers and fatherless, the elderly and fatherless, we will remain in serious trouble for a long time. Soup lines will grow longer: food banks will be depleted while the suicide rate will continue to climb. Perhaps by the 1016 election we will have cleaned out Congress of its old inhabitants and have new people to lead us out of this quagmire, and set our feet on a solid path to a better America. If not! God help us! Royce Kennedy, Maryland
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 17:08:38 +0000

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