A CONSOLATION TO THE FORMER FIRST YEARS; FURTHER NOTICE by Daisy Waitherero Why would you want to be in a hurry to graduate then spend a whole year looking for employment? Why not use the university’s shallow organization to improve yourself and later on venture into self-employment or freelancing? I don’t mean to cause uproar, actually I do. The second years have numerously and unnecessarily complained of their lengthened stay at home but which prudent student thought of using that time for their own benefit? Why not use that time to boost to your credentials or perfect your skills? Being in a hurry to finish or attain completion, denies you the pleasure of living and appreciating the little things you experience daily. I have no intentions of educating you on what to do with your anxiety of returning to school but relaxing has never been a problem. I have never seen people who are so angry about staying home like the current second years. When did staying at home become a burden; I mean aside from washing dishes, wiping windows, cleaning the floor, cooking all meals and having the company of annoying siblings, everything else is just fine. When I was in primary, I craved to go home for months and I even considered dropping out when I was in class 4. Apparently I thought I had too many assignments and classes which were not conducive for my wellbeing. Up to date I am still surprised I have survived 13 years of education; being called a ‘fresha’ was nowhere near an offense to me. It was a pat on the back, a great reward, a piece of the pie but that doesn’t mean the name should be carried forward. Let me not catch you with such a superficial utterance. Definitely the concept of a pupil and a student are different. I understand that the dynamics have changed, times are different and responsibilities are painful. But what if we take the concept of a pupil, take advantage of the time, not by playing this time round but by advancing our knowledge in the various capacities required of us. Eight months is enough to start family and perhaps complete it for those who will be lucky to get twins, it’s enough to start a course and finish it, it’s enough to sharpen a skill and use it, it’s definitely enough to move from point A to point B. Therefore in everyone’s case, it’s possible to make changes in both major and minor details. I am in no way advocating for early marriages or having baby mamas. I think there are more productive things that can be done instead of fusion of sperms and ova. Try what you have always postponed due to the factor of time. In this case I am not referring to getting babies. Attempt and fail in all endeavors rather than whine about the administration’s backward procedures, at least you will have the luxury of accomplishing a goal. Go ahead and finish your bucket list. Dear fellow FORMER first years do not grow weary of the excess time. You will be doing what you failed to do before coming to university. Go sleep and make merry, reflect on the two semesters. Don’t forget to relax, meet friends, eat food from a cooker not a coil, enjoy clean lavatories, and have the luxury of constant lighting; no lights tripping, no muddy path ways and most importantly no ignorant roommates. Think of it as the perfect gate away.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 04:01:30 +0000

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