A CRISIS THAT NEEDS OUR ATTENTION! The uprisings in Syria, which - TopicsExpress


A CRISIS THAT NEEDS OUR ATTENTION! The uprisings in Syria, which began in earnest and with noble intentions almost three years ago has now effectively degenerated into a grave humanitarian crisis, with no end in sight. It began as a spontaneous response to the excesses of the Baathist regime of Assad and soon debauched into a violent and protracted civil war, the death toll of which at present stands well over 100,000. Today, the opposition to the regime is very much fragmented and various Al-Qaeda linked militants have gained foothold, which is indeed a cause for a long term security concern and instability. Worse, of late, infighting has erupted between various opposition factions, which portends that a post Assad Syria would be a chaos with conflicting claims to authority and a robust terrorist presence. In the end, what deserves our concern is the plight of those millions of Syrians who are still trapped in the war fields with hardly any hope of deliverance. They live without electricity, water and food. While many of them have succumbed to hunger, several others feed on grass to keep them alive. Contrary to what one may think, even those millions of refugees who have managed to flee Syria to the neighboring countries like Lebanon and Jordan are also more or less in dire straits with hardly any access to proper healthcare and food. Moreover, their presence there has upset the delicate sectarian balance as demonstrated by the recent incidents of sectarian violence in Lebanon. All international efforts at this time should focus primarily on these refugees and their proper rehabilitation. REMEMBER, IN SYRIA, MILLIONS OF CHILDREN HAVE LOST THEIR CHILDHOOD AND EDUCATION TO A BRUTAL CIVIL WAR WHICH MADE MANY OF THEM ORPHANS, FEEDING THEM WITH UNCERTAINTY AND NIGHTMARE IN AN AGE THEY SHOULD BE DREAMING.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:55:09 +0000

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