A CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE OF CHARITY DONATIONS : [Part-II] WHY CHARITY DONATIONS SO IMPORTANT ! Before discussing more about the criteria for acceptance of the charity donations, let us see that what is the importance of spending wealth upon the needy people, in the sight of ALLAH. Of course, the best act in HAQOOQ-UL-AIBAD is to help and to feed and to spend wealth upon the needy people of the society. The importance of the actual and the real righteousness and about the truthful people, has been high-lighted in a beautiful way , in the following AYAH : ACTUAL AND REAL RIGHTEOUSNESS ? ALLAH says about the true righteousness in the sight of ALLAH, that : Righteousness is not merely that you turn your face to the east or the west. But true righteousness is that a person believes in ; (1) ALLAH, (2) the Last Day, (3) the angels, (4) the Book (revealed by ALLAH) and (5) the Messengers. Driven by love of ALLAH, (6) he spends (his) WEALTH on (7) the kindred, (8) and orphans, (9) the needy, (10) the wayfarers and (11) those who ask and (12) in (liberating slaves) necks, and (13) establishes Prayer and (14) pays Zakat (the alms-due) . And when they make a promise, (15) they fulfill it and (16) are steadfast in hardship (i.e. poverty) and (17) suffering (.e. ailment) and (18) at the time of fierce fighting (i.e. jihad). It is these who are TRUTHFUL and it is these who are RIGHTEOUS. [ SURA AL-BAQARAH : 177 ]. If we think in depth upon the sequence of the above stated AYAH, ALLAH categorically commands us that the actual and real and true righteousness, after becoming a believer (i.e. who fulfills the first 05 above stated criterion), is first to spend the wealth upon all the needy people (i.e. the obeyance of HAQOQ-UL-AIBAD) and then at number (13) He says to establish prayers etc. (i.e. obeyance of HAQOOQ-UL-ALLAH). Surely, Nobody can deny the fact that the fulfillment of HAQOOQ-UL-ALLAH is of the utmost importance in Islam and in the sight of ALLAH and that is also very true that the very first question which will be asked on the Day QIYAMAH from everyone , will be ; Whether we established the 05 times prayers per day or not, on regular basis [ Mafhoom : Hadith Sharif ]. But unfortunately, we are stressing more only and only on HAQOOQ-UL-ALLAH and we are totally ignoring the importance of HAQOOQ-UL-AIBAD and are least concerned about the importance of HAQOOQ-UL-AIBAD which is against the actual spirit of Quran and Sunnah and it is not also a true righteousness, in the sight of ALLAH, as explained in the above stated AYAH. There are many more AYAH and AHADITHS which explain the importance of HAQOOQ-UL-AIBAD very much in detail . CRITERIA : After explaining very briefly about the real and true sense of righteousness, now we come back to the criteria for acceptance of the CHARITY DONATIONS. ALLAH says that : O believers ! Spend (in the way of ALLAH) of your lawful and clean earnings and not of that which We bring forth for you from the earth. And do not intend to spend (in the cause of ALLAH) from that which is UNCLEAN, for (if the same is given to you) you yourselves would never accept it without closing your eyes to it. And you must know that ALLAH is certainly All-Sufficient, Worthy of All Praise. [ SURA AL-BAQARAH : 267]. Then He says that : If you give charity in PUBLIC, it is worthwhile (for it will persuade others), but if you HIDE and deliver it to the poor in SECRET, that is (far) better for you. And ALLAH will remove from you some of your sins (due to this charity). And ALLAH is Well Aware of all that you do. Their (acceptance) of guidance is not your responsibility. It is ALLAH Who awards guidance to whom He wills. And whatever wealth you give away (as charity donation) goes to your own BENEFIT. It is not appropriate to spend but for ALLAHs PLEASURE alone. And whatever you spend of your wealth, (its reward) will be paid back to you in FULL and you will not be treated UNJUSTLY. Those who spend (in the cause of ALLAH) by NIGHT and DAY, PRIVATELY or PUBLICLY, have their reward with their Lord. And (on the Day of Resurrection) they shall neither FEAR nor GRIEVE. [ SURA AL-BAQARAH : 271-272 , 274 ]. DESERVING PEOPLE : Then ALLAH narrates about those who are really deserving people for charity donations. He says that : (Charity is) the right of those POOR who have been (1) RESTRICTED (from earning their livelihood) in the cause of ALLAH. They cannot even MOVE ABOUT in the land (due to their whole time involvement in matters of DIN [Religion]) . Because of their (ascetic) AVERSION to greed, the unwise (knowing little about their state of heart and soul) consider them wealthy. You will recognize them from their APPEARANCE. (2) They do NOT ASK people (for HELP) at all lest they should HUMBLE themselves (before them). And whatever wealth you give in charity, ALLAH indeed knows it well . [ SURA AL-BAQARAH : 274 ]. ........................................................................................ CONT.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 11:07:20 +0000

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