A Call to Respond to the Darren Wilson Grand Jury - TopicsExpress


A Call to Respond to the Darren Wilson Grand Jury Decision Hello Comrades, We are writing to ask for your involvement at an upcoming event here in Portland. The rebellion in Ferguson, Missouri after the police killing of Michael Brown this past August captured the attention and imagination of people across the continent and around the world. While resistance has calmed down since the initial months of revolt, as many of you know there is a grand jury currently deliberating whether to indict Darren Wilson, the cop who killed Brown. A decision could come down any day now. If the grand jury decides not to indict Wilson, which is likely, it is possible that a new round of rebellion will happen, both in Ferguson and elsewhere. Here in Portland, the Hella 503 Collective is teaming up with the Oregon Chapter of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) as well as Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and others to play a role in the local response. The Albina Ministerial Alliance (AMA) Coalition for Justice and Police Reform will hold an emergency action at 4:00 PM in front of the Justice Center at SW 3rd and Madison Streets in downtown Portland, focusing on police accountability and justice for Michael Brown, on the day after the announcement of the grand jury decision. The A-APRP has proposed that we mobilize for this event, and has asked the AMA to integrate us into the demonstration and to make it an action with as broad a range of political groups and individuals involved as possible. We encourage you to attend this event. Together we plan to make this demonstration more than just an opportunity to vent, to express anger, and then to go home. Instead, we hope to create a highly visible and organized presence that will allow those who participate to have a sense of their own power, and to be inspired to take action—and not just on that specific day, but over the long haul. We invite all radical & progressive community groups and individuals to come to the rally. We advocate a politics that calls for the abolition of the police as an institution, opposes racism and hetero-patriarchy, and works for the overthrow of the state and capitalism. More soon, the Hella 503 Collective (Let us know what you think and if you have any questions or concerns: Hella503Collective@Gmail) Unlike
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 22:58:06 +0000

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