A Calling From God’s Heart … Looking down on the earth from - TopicsExpress


A Calling From God’s Heart … Looking down on the earth from the heavens, I have seen a vision of God looking down upon the earth. There was a great stirring over the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, as a giant white tornado. As I watched it spin, it started to pick up debris that caused its’ color to become black. This blackness started to consume the outer walls of the tornado and rise up toward the heavens. At that time, there was a smoke emerging from the center of the tornado, and a foul stench. When the stench reached God, He said ‘that is enough!’ Immediately the tornado dissipated, disappeared, and all of the blackness and debris that had been picked up by the tornado fell back into the Atlantic Ocean. At that time, I could closely see the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. It was as if a bubbling blackness from underneath the ocean had risen to the surface. A small bubbling area about 10 feet in diameter was on the surface, and as I watched, the diameter increased. It was as if tentacles grew out of the bubbling black area in every direction, headed not only towards the open waters, but also towards the continents. It looked like a very dark, black, bubbling substance with the consistency of thick oil that had been polluted. Some of the tentacles of blackness actually became thinned out and seemed to dissolve. But there were 4 major ‘tentacles’ that spread out and reached a continent. One made it to the western most shore of Africa near the countries of Senegal, Mauritania and Western Sahara; another arrived at the edge of Spain and Portugal in Europe, another at the edge of French Guiana and Brazil in South America, and as the fourth tentacle approached North America, it widened and touched the edge of the United States all the way from the north most point of the State of Maine to the bottom tip of Florida. Then I saw a person, inquisitive of the ‘black substance’. As they approached it, part of the ‘black substance’ touched their shoe, and became attached to it. As the person, went to remove the shoe, the substance got on their hand – the person was unable to wipe it off or in any way remove it. As I watched, the people standing around kept their distance and did not help the person struggling with the ‘black substance’. I saw the person stand there crying, and as they were standing there alone, I saw the Hand of God reach down and extract them from the ‘black substance’ that had become attached to them. There were those standing nearby who did not understand what had happened, but felt a violent and rushing wind of immense strength gust through their midst. And when they looked, they saw that the ‘black substance’ had come very close to them and they could not escape or outrun it. I could see the person who was rescued sitting at a table with God. He was cleansing their hands and wiping away their tears, and gave them a new set of clothing that was not stained. I could hear the Spirit saying, “There is coming a time of great despair upon the earth unlike that seen by men. Seas will roar and a prevailing blackness of deceit and sin shall overtake nations, and appear to suddenly show up on their shores and borders. Men have chosen to embrace evil and chosen not to submit to the cleansing of My Holy Spirit. How I long to take the blackness out of their lives; how I long to stop the evil that is advancing, but where are My People? Are they idly standing by? Where are My People? Why are they not rescuing the one crying out for help? Didn’t Jesus eat with sinners? Didn’t He show compassion on the lost and needy? Didn’t He make Himself available to the leper? Where are My People? I am sending a warning – many are the perilous times to come, and where is your treasure laid up? I long for you to hear as I hear. I long for you to see as I see. Are you willing? Are you willing to lay aside your busy ness and listen and watch? Are you willing to step out at My Direction and reach those crying out to Me? I am watching and I am looking for those that I can trust and send in My Name, who are not out to start a ministry, to make a name, to get money, or to have people look at them. I am looking for those who say, ‘here am I Lord, send me’, and are willing to abandon if necessary homes, possessions and jobs, to sever ungodly relationships, and follow Me, My Will, and My Word. There are many trying to make money off of Me and My Works and My Word. And I say to you, ‘follow Me’. For you shall know them by their fruit. I come to seek and save those who are lost, maimed, crying, hurting, in need and alone. The unlovely, the ungodly, the unwanted of society – I am hearing their cries. I am not into building bigger and better buildings! I am looking at hearts and I am searching. I am seeking those who will sacrifice for me, without looking to be seen of others. And I say, are you willing? Are you too busy? Are you listening to a man or My Spirit? Are you testing the spirits and ministries to see if they are of Me? Do not be blindly taken in by the enticing words of men that tickle your ears. For I am calling, I am watching, and I am saying ‘where are My People’? I long for you to embrace My Ways, to examine your own life and heart and listen for My Instructions. I am waiting and watching. Perilous times are coming, and the seas will roar, and not only will there be a pollution of the water and the air, but the time is coming when men will not endure sound doctrine. Have you not already seen the twisting of My Word? Learn My Word and hide it in your heart. I would have you to be prepared. Let Me be the air you breathe and the Guiding Force in your life – for I will not force Myself on anyone, but look for the one who is willing and obedient, and answers the call with their whole heart. Come closer and seek Me. Receive My Direction and Instruction, and prepare for the perils on the earth. Your Strength and Survival come from Me. And I am willing to impart to you all that you need. Come close and receive, and know it is not My Will that any should perish.”
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 22:43:56 +0000

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