A Canadian social experiment about Canadas - TopicsExpress


A Canadian social experiment about Canadas Muslims: huffingtonpost/2014/10/29/canada-racism-video_n_6068832.html his video helps prove that Canadians dont see actions of the suspected shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, a convert to Islam, as reflective of Muslims in general. ========= That is misleading, because it is disingenuous. There can be no doubt that Mr. Albach is aware that Muslims in general are deeply divided on the issue of governance through Sharia law--Islamism. On this issue, as Mr. Albach is undoubtedly aware, there is no such group as Muslims in general. There are Muslims and there are Islamist Muslims--supporters of ISIS, Hamas, al Qaeda, Hizballah, Hizb ut Tahrir, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Boko Haram and other jihadist organizations, plus the Islamist states of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, the Seychelles, Aceh Province and Brunei. There is widespread agreement that the recent attacks were carried out by Islamist Muslims who are also citizens of Canada. Canadians should not be supporting Muslims in general. They should be asking Canadian Muslims to declare their position on Islamism. Many Muslim organizations already have done so: M. Zuhdi Jasser, American Islamic Forum for Democracy: “We will publicly affirm our belief that the primary threat to America is from both violent and non-violent Islamists who exploit the faith of Islam, and who use identity politics, victimology, tribalism, and intimidation to further their goal of Islamist hegemony.” aifdemocracy.org/about/foundational-values/ americanislamicleadership.org/link2 Salim Mansur, Center for Islamic Pluralism: “…Define the future of Islam in America as a community opposed to the politicization of our religion, its radicalization, and its marginalization, which has taken place because of the imposition on Muslims of attitudes opposed to American values, traditions, and policies” islamicpluralism.org/about/ Tarek Fatah, Canadian Muslim Congress The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community alislam.org/ bmsd.org.uk/.../challenging-supremacist-ideology.../ Muslims for Progressive Values mpvusa.org/mpv-principles/ Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam foundation: quilliamfoundation.org/ Canadians should ask Islamist Canadians to live elsewhere because they are colonists, not loyal Canadians. No one likes to be colonized.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:46:10 +0000

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