. A Case Study of Mrs. Lalitha, beneficiary of save a family - TopicsExpress


. A Case Study of Mrs. Lalitha, beneficiary of save a family project of ODP. Mrs Lalitha, a member of Chethana SHG organized by ODP, Mysore. Her life was like a dark den; she felt lonely and forlorn; her future looked bleak and gloomy. But that was before she joined the SHG and was adopted by SAFP in 2010. Eventually everything had changed, her life was transformed and now the future is very promising to her and to her children. In her words: “I am Lalitha from Gandhinagar city corporation and I am and happy proud to say that I am a member of SAFP family which had changed the face of my life from nobody to someone of worth. “I am a chronically ill patient, my husband died 2 years ago. I was left to live in poverty with my 3 children and it was a daily struggle. I was rejected by my families and my neighbors . So I rented a house and lived with my children. The attitude of my families and neighbors had shattered me. Though I was dejected and disappointed with the situations, but I had nowhere to go with my children. Being a widow, I had to face many more ordeals. Hand holding by ODP “It was at this time that the SHG members of Chethana SHG in Gandhinagar City encouraged me and helped me in many ways. The Animators from ODP came to my rescue and extended help through the needed counseling. My joy knew no bounds when they recommended my case to ODP for help for I knew that ODP will take care of me and my children. I was enrolled as a beneficiary of FDP in the year of 2009 but was cancelled within a year to my great dismay. My children were very small and it was very difficult for us to have at least two meals a day. But God was good to us. ODP Animator visited our family once again and suggested our family for a re-enrollment. I was re-enrolled a second time in the year 2010. The Capacity Building “The Coordinator and the Animators of FDP had conducted several trainings that worked to our capacity building. I had much exposure to a wide range of issues that broadened my understanding and instilled plenty of courage in me to take up Income Generating Activities. The Entrepreneur that I was “I and my children would never have been what we are today had it not been for SAFP who built our life brick by brick. I had regularly received financial assistance from SAFP from the time I was enrolled in 2010. I had received Rs 4000/ on 15th March 2010 for my medical treatment; Rs 4000/ on 23rd June 2010 for starting an IGA (Vegetable vending); Rs 5000/ on 8th February 2011 for cloth business and Rs 10,000/ on 5th April to build a house for us. “I had started IGA like Agarbhathi making, cloth business and vegetable vending. Slowly my financial condition began improving. I had also applied for widow pension and now every month I receive a monthly pension of Rs. 500/. Now my monthly income is Rs. 1500/ “I have started making some savings too. I have savings of Rs. 3000/ in our SHG, Life Insurance for an amount of Rs. 62,500/ and Rs. 31,246/ in Bank savings account. “There were times that I was anxious about my life and my children fearing that I may die any time leaving them in the streets. Now my health has improved and I am confident that I can bring up my children too. I joined my children in the boarding for their education. I was very happy because they were very good at studies. Now I can see a change in the attitude of the people around me. I feel that I am wanted my families and neighbors. Life-changing intervention by SAFP “It is SAFP that has granted this new life to me and to my family and I am indebted to SAFP all my life for extending this help through ODP. I had received much care, concern and support from the members of FDP. “At this moment I gratefully acknowledge the good that SAFP Programme does to poor families like mine to conquer the barriers of life and raise life standards in the society. I am enjoying great peace and harmony in my day today life. I and my children are indebted to our benefactors who helped my family to find our worth and gave new life to us”. Conclusion: Her story ends here but her success in life and with life continues. Today she is brimming over with confidence in herself and with trust in future. A lady, who thought that her life had met with a dead end a few years ago, now sees a long road spread out before her beautifully. What made this difference! A simple gesture of handholding was given by ODP through the SHG and by SAFP through FDP. This had transformed her life and lives of the next generation of her 3 children. Let us contribute our little mite to change the lives of people and make that little difference in life that goes a long way. Thank you.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:59:48 +0000

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