A Challenge to each of you that are my friends... to read this and - TopicsExpress


A Challenge to each of you that are my friends... to read this and place yourself into the shoes of the story... and understand the life I have lived My friend Moe Timcoe Wrote it and I found it on a page called https://facebook/pages/It-Isnt-Just-for-The-Red-and-Blue-Tow-Truck-Awareness/533879330018752 This is why you see me post about my office being the roadway. The family business March 1, 2014 at 9:05am Growing up, he never wanted to be in the family business. I deal with you guys at home, why would I want to work with you as well? He constantly thought to himself. His older brother, younger brother, and 2 sisters were all in it, as well as mom, dad, and an aunt. Why dont you give it a chance? His aunt would ask all the time, following with as soon as you get the hang of it, its a great job. Yes, the days can get long, and sometimes they blend together, but the feeling of helping strangers pays off in spades, shed end with a smile, and walk away at that point. Hed finally decided, dad, let me give it a few weeks, if I still dont lke it after that, you all will leave me alone to do what I want. Agreed, but you have to give it your all. Your heads gotta be in the game. The next morning, he woke an hour early, trying to anticipate what the day was going to bring.. In the 15 years the famliy owned the shop, hed only been there twice. He always listed to the stories the family brought home, but never really felt what was being said, especially when it was his little sister telling one. She was maybe 52, and very petite. To hear her say she had done some of the stuff she did was mind blowing. She met him in the kitchen, coffee already poured, you ready bro? Yeah.. Am I riding in with you? Riding IN with me, no, youre shotgun today. He never trusted his little sisters driving, and today wasnt going to be any different. She stepped out for a minute, and he heard the familliar rumble coming in the door. After a little more coffee, they went out, and climbed up. The truck was an International Ramp, 2 car carrier. He just couldnt imagine someone so small in control of such a big truck.. The day began as routine for a tow op.. A lock-out, 2 jump-starts, a short tow, and a driveway tire change. He started getting the hang of tool positioning in the boxes for quick grab convenience, and did everything asked of him. They hit a local burger joint for lunch, and sat in the truck talking, and joking, when the question came- whats the worst youve seen so far? She had been an operator over 3 years now, and had been through tons with dad, and the older brother being heavy duty ops, mom and his other sister both ran ramps, and the aunt was dispatch. We all work together as small parts of a bigger machine was the family line. She joking replied to his question, the worst? Yesterday when dad said yould be running with me! They both got a huge laugh from the face she made. Seriously, there have been so many Ive forgotten about some, and some I can never forget.Then there are some so rough, youll never hear us talk about them at the dinner table. Like dad saving a little girl.. WHAT?? Dad did? Thats awesome!! No, not really.. The girls mom passed holding dads hand. A semi trailer crushed the car, and dad could only do so much.. Wow.. I never knew.. I just thought it was changing tires, and moving cars.. I didnt think about the police calls. Yeah, it messed dad up for about a month.. Then her phone went off. The color slowly left her cheeks as she wrote down the instructions. Without saying another word, she set down her soda, and started the truck. Is it bad? He asked, kind of knowing the answer already, but not expecting what he heard next. Reach under your seat, and grab a green vest, weve got a highway call, and its not pretty. When it comes to these calls, you have to look at each as a job, no matter WHO is involved. Start shutting your feelings off when you are on scene. Its safer for all involved. Try to see each vehicle as a giant toy. Ok.... He could tell something wasnt being said.. They rode in almost total silence for the next 5 minutes. She had skipped through town on streets he had never really seen, and never knew you could fit a ramp through them! She really was an excellent driver, but with the look in her eyes he couldnt tell her (plus being the big brother, it just wouldnt be cool). They rounded the next corner, and the highway on-ramp was right in front of them. He could make out tons of lights of all colors.. This was a BIG wreck. They pulled up, and were directed by a trooper on where to stage their truck. Then they got out and looked over the scene. Thats when reality hit. Mom was hooking a car, with another company running blocker for her. A semi driver wasnt paying attention, clipped the blocker truck, and slammed the disabled car, sending it OVER the cab of moms truck. She was on teh clear side handles, and managed to get out of the way just in time to watch it happen. The blocker got his nose ripped almost clean off, and was spun into the guard-rail, trapping the driver in the cab. The tow car shot over moms cab, tearing off all the lighting, and crushing the roof, then landing on the fiberglass hood, destroying both vehicles. The semi did stop about 500 up the road, and the driver was trying to assist the trapped operator. By the time they got the operator out, there were about 30 response personnel, and 20 different vehicles on scene. The police/tow liason started orchestrating the removal. Dad, and the older brother showed up with the heavy duties to take the semi (which was heavily damaged), and one of the ramps. They had to fit moms ramp on theirs. The engine still ran (barely), so the hydrolics still worked enough to retract the deck. They got it loaded, and secured, then hooked the original car to the wheel lift. Thats when it hit him.. we almost lost mom he said in a very sullen voice.. She looked at him with a tear in her eye like I said, theres some things we really never talk about.. They got back to the yard, and off loaded, then helped dad with the 2 heavies. The whole time he couldnt take his eyes off of moms truck.. Thats why we have the M.O.S.D. Laws.. Its to try to prevent things like this.. This family was almost ripped apart by ignorance. There are minor variances to the law, depending on where you live, but they all mainly, and very simply state- when approaching ANY stopped response vehicle (fire, police, med, maintenence, or tow) with emergency lighting activated, the approaching driver must Move Over to the next available lane AWAY from the response vehicles, if that is not an option, Slow Down to aprox 20mph UNDER the posted limit, and give as much space as possible, without hindering other lanes of travel. written by: Moe Timcoe
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 16:32:45 +0000

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