A Change of Mind, the Serial. Episode 2: John needs a break (Move - TopicsExpress


A Change of Mind, the Serial. Episode 2: John needs a break (Move to meeting/light. John sits. John is on the phone) Holding phone, “Tell her I’m with accounting right now, I’ll call her back”. To the meeting, “Gentlemen, we have been refused, they feel our offer is less than the company is worth”. Accountant: (Flipping through papers) “We can afford more than our original offer and still make ...a profit. We’re guaranteed a 19% return on the acquisition just by closing redundant departments”. Bill: “If we wait another 60 days they’ll be in default, the shareholders will force acceptance of any offer. They don’t want to wait for foreclosure”. John: (Patently) “If we act now everyone’s losses will be minimized, we’ll make a profit and no one will suffer more than they have already”. Bill: “If we wait until they default we could save millions of dollars; we don’t owe anything to their investors. What are they going to get if the company is sold to pay their debts? They may get 10 cents on the dollar; it’s possible they’ll get nothing!” John: (Indignantly) “I started this company in a garage. It grew because everyone believed they could depend on a certain level of integrity. We owe it to this company to maintain our reputation. We have never taken advantage of a vendor or a customer. How will it look if we wait? This company was built on trust not greed. I am trying to save what’s left, not cheat those who’ve bet their lives on it! (A pause) We’ll reconvene next Wednesday. I’m taking a few days to think this over. (To Accountant) Have those analysis on which departments will close and how many people will be affected, see what steps have to be taken for severance pay and early retirements.” Accountant: “Do you want me to work over the weekend?” John: (A short pause as if thinking) “No, I think you’re good enough to make the necessary changes in a couple of days but, I need to see those numbers.” (Exit) (Meeting breaks up) Bill: (Devilishly) “John, I know you want to be fair and decent, but if we wait that’s millions partner, for both of us. I’m not thinking about myself John, doesn’t Jane want to go back to Europe for the summer? And you said Becky wants to move off campus…to New York City? Neither of those is going to be cheap! We’re partners John and as your partner I have to point out an obvious profit. If we wait you could pay for Jane’s trip and Becky’s apartment with dividends alone! John… I’m not asking you to do anything; I’m only asking that you do nothing for a while. I really don’t want to have to bring it before the board. (No response) “Just think about it partner.” (Pats arm) “We’ll talk later.” (Exit) (Phone rings) John: “Yes, yes, put her through,” (Slumps into chair) “hello Jane.” (Lights up on Jane) Jane: “John, I need to make plans for this summer, you know that. I can’t wait until the last minute. Am I going to have to call our friends and tell them I can’t afford to see them this year?” John: “Why would you say that Jane? Have you ever missed one of your vacations?” Jane: “You promised me when we got married I would never have to worry about money. You said I was the most important thing in your life, do you remember?” John: “Yes I remember and you are.” Jane: “I knew you would. You promise to make some time to fix this so I won’t have to postpone my trip, OK?” John: “Yes, you’ll be able to go. I may have to stay and finalize a few things. We’ve just started this acquisition and you know these things take time.” Jane: “Thank goodness, you take as much time as you need, I understand, I’ve already ordered a few things I’m going to need, I’ll get the rest when I arrive. All the latest things should be out by the time I get there; I’ll bring back some things I know you’re going to like. I wish you’d let me know sooner, I have so many people to call now; you know you missed Bobbie’s game again?” John: (Pause) “I realize I missed Bobbie’s game…again. Couldn’t we discuss this later Jane? I have a lot on my mind right now.” Jane: “Becky needs to talk to you, something about school, hold on.” (Hands phone to Becky) John: “Jane I…” Becky: “Hello daddy.” John: “Hello dear. How is school?” Becky: “Daddy, do you remember that frat I joined?” (John shakes head yes), “Well, they don’t allow maids! Can you imagine? (John shakes head no) They expect me to clean a room I have to share with someone else. I can’t live like this daddy; how can I concentrate when they expect me to do all this other stuff?” John: “Isn’t that all part of the college experience? “ Becky: (Oblivious to John’s statement) “Some of my friends have shown me some really cute apartments or I could rent a loft! How Bohemian is that? I could put in a decent study center; I wouldn’t have to sleep on a cot like a prisoner. I don’t need an answer now; just think about it while you’re on vacation this weekend. When you get back you can let me know whether I get an apartment or a loft. I love you daddy, bye!” (Hang up)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 17:10:12 +0000

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