A Change of Mind, the Serial. Episode 7: Why? (Meeting Room, John - TopicsExpress


A Change of Mind, the Serial. Episode 7: Why? (Meeting Room, John and Bill) John: (Quite frustrated) “What the hell were you thinking?” (Throw file folder down.) Bill: “I did what I thought was best for the everybody John.” John: “I still own the majority of this company and I made it clear nothing was to be done until I returned with my decision.” ... Bill: (Beguilingly) “John… nobody was sure you would return. When we heard your plane had crashed…search and rescue? Jane came in so upset and confused… I didn’t know what to do.” John: (relaxing to normal) “So exactly what did we do?” Bill: “I made a few phone calls and explained how precarious our own situation was. Not knowing if the founder and CEO of our company were dead or alive? They agreed that we might not be in a position to make an offer later.” John: “So you decided?” Bill: “I offered 10% cash and we would assume all debts and responsibilities. They asked for more of course, 25 but we got it for 12 John…12.” John: “We had already agreed to 19% before I left.” Bill: (Enthusiastically) “But that’s the point John, we’re up by 7… that could mean millions!” John: “And the job positions?” Bill: (Bill could have file folders) “The numbers are the same John! We transition the same people to introduce our management team, the layoffs necessary to downsize operations and everybody else keeps a retirement package. Isn’t that what you wanted John?” John: “What kind of retirement?” Bill: “Given our position they agreed 50%, stock options, was generous.” John: (stops to look around and assess) “When will it be enough Bill?” Bill: “ When the shareholders are happy John?” (Back to position 1 Dr. Weiss) Dr. Weiss: “When I snap my fingers I want you to wake up. I want you to retain the memory of what you’ve just related to me. One, two and three. (Snap)” (John regains consciousness, adjusts himself in chair) Dr. Weiss: “So, John, would you say your friend appeared at a time when you felt helpless?” John: “Helpless? I’d just survived a plane crash; the only person who might have helped me was dead. I had passed out at the edge of a desert. I didn’t know where I was or where I was going. Helpless? Yes doctor, I guess you could say I felt helpless.” Dr. Weiss: “From what you’ve just recounted of your experience, it would appear your friend knew a great deal about surviving the wilderness.” John: “Yes, yes he did. If it hadn’t been for what he knew I would never have made it. I couldn’t have survived out there by myself.” Dr. Weiss: “I’m certain you believe that to be true however, I would like to read something you said during hypnosis. (Looks through notes), “I’m sure you probably read it for yourself once or twice, you just forgot. You do recall that?” John: “Yes.” Dr. Weiss: “What type of stories did you read as a child?” John: “I don’t know, adventure, travel, kid stuff, why?” Dr. Weiss: “Why do you think you were attracted to those books?” John: “I always wanted to be an explorer, a discoverer. Meeting new people learning new ways of doing things, there were so many things I wanted to do, places I wanted to see.” Dr Weiss: “And the reason you didn’t live that life?” John: “I grew up I suppose, bills, family… responsibilities.” Dr. Weiss: “I want you to consider what Mike said for just a moment. Isn’t it possible you had that knowledge all along? It was simply one of those pieces of information your conscious mind considered irrelevant?” John: “What are you saying doctor?” Dr. Weiss: “I’m not saying anything. I’m simply questioning where this information originated. Was it in fact someone else or your subconscious mind dredging up old memories to fill a need by your conscious? Dmitry Mendeleev created the Periodical Table after he saw it in a dream, Niels Bohr couldn’t conceive the structure of an Atom until he had a dream about the Cosmos. You see, the mind is permanently impressed by what it has experienced and at times, under certain conditions, it brings those experiences back with a vividness that seems…real. The situation in which you found yourself; your apprehension at being lost and alone, the effects of heat exposure, these things could easily contribute to the creation of an alter ego, someone to fill in the gaps.” John: “But no one thought those men were crazy.” Dr. Weiss: “And no one thinks you are John. What they experienced might be called a heightened awareness. They already had the information but the conscious mind wouldn’t allow it to the forefront.” John: “So they were delusional.” Dr. Weiss: “Yes but no. What they had during that period of heightened awareness often associated to R.E.M. sleep or in your case physical exhaustion wasn’t a delusion, rather a …meeting of the minds if you will. Their conscious mind wanted, needed, something very badly, their subconscious had that information stored, when the conditions were right, the two minds meet and…” John: “So what they saw wasn’t real but it was?” Dr. Weiss: (Takes a moment to think) “Their prior experiences, their memories, the retained knowledge was based in their respective past lives, their “realities”. In that they physically experienced what created those memories it was real however, at the moment they retrieved that information, what their minds experienced was only a distant memory. The memory was so vivid it seemed real but was not what the average person would conceive of as reality. Do you understand John?” John: “I’m not 100% but a little yes.” Dr. Weiss: “At the beginning of our session you said you shook hands when you met. I want you to think John, did you actually shake hands?” John: (Pauses) “Well, no, he sort of gestured and I gestured back.” Dr. Weiss: “So you never actually touched?” John: “No, I guess not.” Dr. Weiss: “I see. (Looks through notes) You said you found “snacks” and water in the plane and put them in a bag, correct?” John: “Yes.” Dr. Weiss: “Can you tell me approximately how many of each you started with?” John: “I’m not sure, I don’t remember.” Dr. Weiss: “I need you to try John. This could prove very helpful.” John: (Gestures as If putting something into a bag, after a few tries he speaks) “I really don’t know, I just grabbed them and put them into the bag. (Gestures a few more times, look at hand) I suppose nine or twelve small items.” Dr. Weiss: “Alright, and the water?” John: “I don’t remember.” Dr. Weiss: “It would be very helpful if you’d try.” John: (Speaking haltingly John tries to remember) “I remember there were six bottles in on of those plastic ring holders, you know, around the neck of the bottles and three more in another holder. Nine, I found nine bottles.” Dr. Weiss: “Did you think that would be adequate John?” John: “Adequate for what?” Dr. Weiss: “For your survival. You were stranded at the edge of a desert with a few hand fulls of snacks and limited water. Did you feel confident that would be enough to last until your rescue?” John: “No, not really.” Dr. Weiss: “You said you offered to share what you had and your friend refused, is that right?” John: “Yes.” Dr. Weiss: “Then, obviously he had his own.” John: “I suppose.” Dr. Weiss: “Yes, that would make sense. Where did “Mike” carry his food and water?” John: “What?” Dr. Weiss: “Where did Mike carry his canteen, on his belt, over his shoulder, in his pack?” John: (Growing uncomfortable) “I don’t remember.” Dr. Weiss: “Do you recall the color?” John: “Of what?” Dr. Weiss: “His canteen.” John: “No!” Dr. Weiss: “Did he have one John? (Pause) Can you describe his pack? (Pause) Do you remember seeing him drink or eat?” John: “I don’t recall but he had to!” Dr. Weiss: “Yes John he had to...” (John grows more uncomfortable) Dr. Weiss: “John, you must realize, after all the time you spent together, if you can’t recall a pack or canteen and he never shared yours; it was because he had no need. You yourself said he had to and yet you never noticed him doing so” John: “He was the best friend I’ve known in years. He wouldn’t take anything from me; my watch, money (Each word comes more slowly) food…water?” Dr. Weiss: “But you can’t remember him having his own. He apparently lived in the dessert without the most basic human needs.” John: (Exhausted) “So he never really existed, is that it, he couldn’t?” Dr. Weiss: “Existence is open to debate. Whatever the mind can conceive exists in its own way. There are many who question the existence of reality itself, without the perception of the mind. (John moves out of light while Phy. speaks) He was as real as he needed to be to serve the purpose you had for him. Consider John, you needed help from someone desperately. Your family and friends weren’t there for you…” (Lights down)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 16:47:46 +0000

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