A Child - Synopsis: Dear Mesdames: Here is a synopsis of - TopicsExpress


A Child - Synopsis: Dear Mesdames: Here is a synopsis of your childs horoscope: The Lagna Lord is Mars. Mars occupies Scorpio (8th) his own house. Though 8th is not a good house Mars has a direct aspect from the beneficial Jupiter and the exalted Moon in the 2nd House; in return Mars aspects the 2nd house. Saturn is very powerful in this horoscope, It is highly exalted (Paramochcha) and has a direct aspect on the Lagna. Saturn also raises one of the Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga (Shasha) on the 7th. It is also Digbala on the 7th. Saturn is also the sub-lord of the Lagna + many other nakshastra the other planets are posited in. It is a significator to the 4th Bhava. So Saturn is very powerful in this horoscope. Mercury and Mars aspect the 10th & the 11th houses respectively with their +4 aspects. Both these houses are owned by the powerful Saturn. (Capricorn & Aquarius). Rahu too plays an important role in this horoscope. It is the sub-lord of the Moon Horoscope which is Taurus. Rahu is also the sub-lord to some planets. Rahu is in conjunction with the lagna lord Mars on the 8th. It will adopt the characteristics of Mars. (We could substitute Rahu for Mars and vice-versa. Since Rahu at times takes the role of Saturn that substitution is possible too. Rahu is also a significator to the 4th house (in addition to the 12th house). More importantly Rahu is the Athma-Karaka in this horoscope. In both horoscopes Mercury is the sub-sub-Lord and was the day lord the day she was born. The benefic Mercury has a direct aspect on the Lagna. It also strengthens the benefic Jupiter and the exalted Moon in the 2nd House. Mercury is a significator to the 5 important houses: 1 ,2, 5, 9 & 11. (in addition to 12). Ketu is a good node for education at primary level. (Ketu has no movement and has a book in its hands). Mercury aspects Ketu on the 2nd. Moon is exalted in the 2nd House (Taurus) and aspects her own house Cancer which is the 4th. Moon also aspects the important 11th house with her +10 aspect. So basically the 1st, 2nd , 4th , 7th, 10th & 11th houses are well aspected. Of these 2nd and 4th houses are important for education. Now we will look at the 5th house which is the next house for education. Venus is posited in the 5th house Leo which is owned by the Sun. At the first glance this looks bad as Sun and Venus are enemies. However, due to Venus being 12th from the Sun they have a temporary friendship (Thathkalik Mithra). Therefore the enmity changes to being equal by the rule [Enemy + Temporary Friend = Neutral]. So the Sun on the 6th will not affect the benefic Venus on the 5th. Venus also aspects the important 9th house (+5), 11th house (+7) and the Lagna itself (+9). So once again the houses 1 & 11 are aspected in addition by the benefic Venus. Education wise 2, 4 & 5 are well covered. Other ancillary factors are the 3rd house (staying power, ability to work hard), 9th house (higher education) and the 10th house. As I have said the 10th house is aspected by Mercury and the lord of the House is the exalted Saturn. So that is okay there. The 9th house is aspected by Venus and the powerful Saturn, So that is covered. The 3rd is aspected by the Lagna lord himself self and who is turn is aspected by the Sun on the 6th (+3 aspect). The lord of the 3rd is Mercury. Sun and Mars are Athi-Mithra and Sun and Mercury are Mithra. Both Mars and Mercury are Athi-Mithra to Sun. It is confusing about Mercury being Athi-Mithra to Sun when Sun is only Mithra to Mercury. This is because the counting of Temporary Friendship is counting from the position beginning from the planet concerned. Both the Sun and Mars are fiery planets and the lagna lord is Mars. The child will have a fiery temperament and will also have a fiery passion and staying power in whatever she does. The passion will come from the exalted Moon and the staying power is increased due to the exalted Saturn. Now we examine a few things in the Nawamsha chart (D-9). Let us look at the Nawamsha position of the 5th Lord. 5th Lord is Sun. In the Nawamsha the Sun is placed on the Nawamsha Lagna (1st House) itself. Then we see who the Nawamsha lord of Mercury. That is Mars. It has to have an association with the 5th Lord, that is the Sun, It has… Sun has an aspect on Mars as well as being mutually Athi-Mithra. The remaining condition is partly fulfilled. The 5th lord of the Nawamsha is Venus, and Venus is placed very well on the 5th which is a Trikonasthana. For the remainder of this condition to be fulfilled Jupiter had to be placed on 1, 4, 5, 7, 9 or 10 but is placed on the 2nd. However, Jupiter has a Bhava Vargoththama power… it is placed on the 2nd in both Janma and Nawamsha charts. In terms of Average Vimsopaka Bala of the planets and nodes in descending order is; 1) Venus – 15.375; 2) Mercury 14.85; 3) Saturn – 13.8; 4) Mercury – 13.0; 5) Jupiter – 10.7; 6) Rahu – 10.6; 7) Moon – 10.275; 8) Ketu – 10.05; 9) Sun – 9.65 This means Venus is the best placed planet right across all the 16 Varga charts. (Shodashavarga). It is an overall assessment of the most influential planet and the least influential planet over various aspects of life. Since we are on education I like to inspect the Chathurvimansha chart (D-40) too. That is concerning education. The D-40 Lagna is Pisces, the lord is Jupiter and is well placed on the 10th along with Saturn. The 5th and 9th are occupied by Moon and Mercury and Venus occupies 11th. Excellent. Sun and Mars are as same on the 6th and 8th. Both Rahu and Ketu is also on the 8th. The natural benefic planets occupy good houses. So, I see there are no problems with the education. Here are some observations. Most people in the medical field have a powerful Saturn somewhere. Mars is Technology. 4th house is Moons own Cancer which is a watery moveable Rashi. Moon is associated liquids, chemicals, oil etc and travel. The 4th indicates the nature of the education. That is an indication only. The real path of education requires to be judged by the time the child comes to about 12 to 15 years of age. As to the health I will analyze it another time. What we basically analyze are the 6th 8th and the 12th and the house lords. 6 – Mercury, 8 – Mars and 12 – Jupiter. Of these I will concentrate only on Mercury Antar Dasha presently (until the current Mahadasha period of Sun is finished on 29/3/2017). Mars and Jupiter Antar Dashas are finished already. Whenever there is a combination of Sun/Mercury/Mercury, Sun/Mercury/Mars or Sun/Mercury/Jupiter; those period are liable to bring ill health. It will be to the part of the body governed by the Sun. Being a 2 year old child we can discount cardiac problems. Usually it will be anything to do with the head, such as fever or conditions giving rise to fever. You could see the tables of MD/AD/PD in the horoscopes I have sent you. To start with I will give you a couple of upcoming periods… Sun/Mer/Mer: 17/01/2015 - 01/03/2015 Sun/Mer/Mar: 20/06/2015 – 08/07/2015 Sun/Mer/Jup: 24/08/2015 – 04/10/2015 So that should do for the moment. When the Dasha changes to Moon and when she begins schooling I will make the transits for the time unless there are other problems before that.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:11:42 +0000

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