A Christian or a True Israelite IN JEREMIAH 3:15 The Most High - TopicsExpress


A Christian or a True Israelite IN JEREMIAH 3:15 The Most High God said, and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Please learn the Truth in all things folks, The Most High God and His Son Yahushua wants his people, the true Israelites. The word Law means – Teaching And it comes from the word (Torah) the First 5 books of the bible the Old Testament. To Knock – Consists of (From Genesis to Malachi). Now what was the Faith of Our True Fathers ( O Israel ) Our Fathers are (Abraham a Hebrew and a Israelite) (Isaac a Hebrew a Isarelite) and (Jacob a Hebrew a Israelite) These followers of Yahuah are our Founding Fathers of this Nation. Our True Fathers the Israelites, not the founding Fathers of this Nation today. That was given to us in our LYING HISTORY BOOKS OF TODAY. DEUTERONOMY 4:1 – 49 (Read) Israelites thats who we are Folks and (Read) ECCLESIASTES 2:13 Read GENESIS 14:13 Abram was a Hebrew (Israelite) EXODUS 2:11 MOSES was a Hebrew (Israelite) John 1:47 Nathanael was a (Israelite) Romans 9:1-33 Only the Laws and the Covenants and the giving of the Law, which is the Torah and Service of Yahuah and the promises, that were given to the Israelite and No other countries but Israe. The Jews Folks, that reside in the Land of Israe are not the real Jews over there we are. We are scattered all about this Nation of Ours Folks. They are lying they are perpetuating themselves as the real Jews and they are not the real Jews, and they don’t claim to have anything to do with ABRAHAM/ ISAAC AND JACOB and will tell you that. They just dwell in the land of Israe that’s all. The Real Jews are scattered all abroad. Now in John 4 that Salvation is of the Jews. Now to understand that word Jew – it comes from the tribe JUDAH. We are the Scattered Israelites of this Nation. Acts 11:26 (Read) And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch: and it came to pass that a whole year they were conversant with the Church, and taught much people, insomuch that the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. Now when you look at the Greek word behind the word Christian that is presented to you, it is derived from the Number 5546. A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST OR YAHUSHUA. So what it should be saying is that these disciples were FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST OR YAHUSHUA from Antioch. But Christians was given the Name and spoken to them in a negative way and a provocative way by the Greek and Roman Heritage. Now in today’s time Christianity we have been told that the LAW – The Old Testament is a Fairy Tale, that has been done away with that it was for other people, And just put away with it (US). Now what does Christianity clearly teach us. that the Law was done away with. Now let’s look at the word Christian – Derived from number 5546 ( A FOLLOWER OF YAHUSHUA ). So you are not going to find anywhere that Yahushua was a Christian not at all. And Peter was not a Christian/ or anybody from the tribes Of Israe anywhere. They never called themselves that. It was a name that was given to them by The Romans and The Greeks. 1 Peter 4:16 Peter said: But if any man suffer as a Christian, let Him not be ASHAMED: but let him glorify Yahuah in this behalf. This means if any Man suffer as a FOLLOWER OF YAHUSHUA, not FOLLOWING the Religion of Christianity. I hope and pray that you Folks change from Pagan Christianity to your real calling true Heritage. Which is a true Israelite and become A Student of the Scriptures that were Command by Yahushua and learn of Him and become A FOLLOWER OF YAHUSHUA. You are a ISRAELITE if you Believe in YAHUSHUA OUR MESSIAH. Yah Bless Us all, Amein
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:55:06 +0000

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