A Christmas Greeting to all our friends and family: Judy and I - TopicsExpress


A Christmas Greeting to all our friends and family: Judy and I have been in Arizona for almost a month now after a busy spring summer and fall in New York, working and enjoying our children and grandchildren and helping, with others of our family, move my parents from their house of 52 years into a one bedroom senior living residence. It has been a stress filled but fulfilling year. Here in Arizona, most mornings find us walking a mile to a local hamburger joint that also serves breakfast, for eggs and a drink. Every morning a rough looking, unshaven, disheveled middle aged man parks his bicycle outside, laden with everything he owns: sleeping bag, mattress, backpack and other paraphernalia. He comes in for a cup of coffee and sits down by himself at a table to read a little. I have never seen him converse with anyone and he keeps to himself. I am sure that everything he owns is visible on his back and on his bike. Each time I pass by him I wait for him to ask if I have any spare change I can give him, but he never asks so today, as we were leaving I went over to his table and asked him how he was doing. He smiled and I noted some missing teeth as he said “Fine, thanks.” The father in me asked where he stays. He explained that he has a camping spot. I asked if he was ok there and if he was hungry. He said ”Oh, no thank you, I’ m doing just fine.” I pressed a little harder. I said:”Are you sure you aren’t hungry, and that you don’t need anything. I’d be happy to help if you need it.” He smiled a more relaxed friendly smile and assured me that he is ok. We parted with a friendly goodbye and a sentiment of mutual respect. He didn’t accept my help but he did accept the offer of it with innocence and grace, which left me feeling uplifted. I made a new friend today for which I am grateful. Thank you Lord, for the prompting I felt to offer help and fellowship, and that I had the courage to act on it. Perhaps I gave him just what he needed today: the hand of friendship from a sympathetic fellow traveler on the road of life. Forty two years ago that man was me. In contrast to that peaceful encounter at Carl’s Jr. this morning, violence is becoming a part of our lives. Television and movies are sometimes reminiscent of my days after high school working in a meat packing plant. It was repulsive and shocking to me then and it is now whenever I encounter it either on the news or on the screen. Christmas is a season that carries a message of peace, goodwill toward men. Peace, not as the world knows it. I remember many Christmases when I would slip out of the house after rising early with Judy and the children to open our gifts. Duty called and off I went into the cold lonely world, leaving behind the peace of home. Nevertheless there is a certain tranquility out on a snow covered backroad where no traffic competes and the treacherous trail whispers caution. Sometimes I would be driving on an unplowed road over pristine white blinding snow with only the sound of crunching beneath my tires. Those were scenes and peaceful sounds that drew me closer to my Maker with feelings of reverence for life, and gratitude for the many blessings that were mine. I believe I felt the Christmas season of peace most during those moments of quiet solitude. But peace is fleeting and in the business of living THERE is where the true spirit of Christs life of charity toward all, rich and poor, can be felt. He came to heal the sick in body and spirit, and spent his ministry mingling with and ministering to his patients: all of mankind. As I review this year, I am grateful for the many opportunities for service that have crossed our paths and grateful for friends and family that have ministered to us in our own hour of need. Children and grandchildren who honor us by celebrating our return and drop everything to lend a helping hand when needed. Trips to the hospital in the dead of night to bless with a visit and prayer the sick and injured. An unexpected phone call to see how were doing, an invitation to dinner, an arm around my shoulder by a sympathetic friend have all imparted to us the spirit of Christ throughout this year. This year above all others for us, has been a year of charity toward all both given and received. A phone call from northern New York early Sunday morning from a friend on his way to fulfil a day of church responsibilities but taking the time to see how Im holding up, an invitation from another to join his family in Michigan for a short vacation, warm handshakes and hugs upon our return to New York from our winter in Arizona, and a church associate who called me in Arizona to let me know he missed my counsel and friendship. Several times during our stay in Arizona another friend from home and I conversed to share what was happening in our corners of the world, and we both shed a few tears when next we met. Warm welcomes from family and friends in Arizona upon our return. Family in distant Nova Scotia who welcomed us as royalty. A sister and brother-in-law who offered the greatest of all gifts to my parents: their time and a helping hand. A wife who endures great unrelenting pain and yet flies into the face of it to minister to the needs of her children and grandchildren. It has been a year of dedicated service toward our parents by all members of our family and by caring friends alike. Our family has been drawn closer together as in days of yore when we all lived under the same roof, by love and concern for our parents who struggle valiantly with failing bodies to carry on leading us, their children. The older I become the more I realize the importance of service to others and how important it is to let others offer service to ourselves. It binds and unites us all as one. As I review this past year, more than ever I realize that God is not dead nor doth he sleep. The wrong shall fail the right prevail with peace on earth goodwill toward men. Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 01:58:22 +0000

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