A Church Without Jesus Christ Let me be clear, in that, I speak - TopicsExpress


A Church Without Jesus Christ Let me be clear, in that, I speak not of the gathering places where so many attend, but the physical bodies of those who do the attending of church. Without the intention of poking anyone in the eyes, the hurting of feelings or pointing fingers, allow me to simply make some suggestion that may be weighed by those reading. The end result...let is be as you find it; the answer will afford itself. We know from the Bible, that Jesus spoke these words “I will never leave you or forsake you” and this should raise the first flag. Why? Well this statement or promise was made to every single man, woman and child...ever. Not just those who followed and accepted Him, but all people, period. In this way, He promised to always be available to everyone, without ever abandoning anyone. The obvious choice comes into play when one either accepts Christ or does not. Even then, He does not abandon a person, rather, they refuse Him. But Jesus does not forsake them even up to the moment of their death; it is then, out of His hands. He is loyal, until the end. As we also know “Those who believe upon Supposing one does accept Jesus as their savior or Lord, then what? The Bible tells us, in John 5:24 “Verily, verily (assuredly) I say unto you, he that hears my word and believes upon Him that sent me, has everlasting life and will not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life”. Additionally, in John 3:18 “He that believes in Him is not condemned; but he that does not believe in Him is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God”. These assure us of a two promises; you get to pick which one you will be assured of. Believe in and accept Jesus Christ for who He is or be condemned because you do not. Salvation, that comes by Jesus Christ alone and by no other means can it be given, granted, received or worked-around. Should you have any doubt whatsoever, this is from the red print, words spoken by Jesus in John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me”. So this solidly takes the nails from Jesus body and nails-shut, the entrances to Heaven, wherein, He alone, is the gate. What happens now, the next pertinent promise is found in Galatians 2:20; we are crucified with Christ and live no longer, but Christ lives within us, to paraphrase. Perhaps, one should better appreciate that weve invited Jesus into our hearts, along with the repenting of our sins and the remission thereof, by Christ, so that He may then enter in and remain indwelling. And this is about where the about where the we need to start from..... Obvious and clearly-discerned, are the observations made by multitudes of faithful believers; either Jesus does not reside in many churches (the bodies inside the gathering places) or He is very well-ignored by those churches. Ouch! This tells us many truths and speak volumes about those of whom it regards. Either they have accepted Jesus and do believe in Him, but do not honor His word or they do not honor His word because He has not been invited to reside in those churches. One could place many perspectives into this and we could debate it until Jesus actually returns, at which point, He will settle the debate...utterly. But facts are facts, trees are known by their fruits. Trees lacking fruits are as good as dead unless used for the shade and fire wood of those bearing fruits. Fruitful trees are the result of proper nourishment, treatment and care. The manner in which people treat one another is evident of their hearts. Vinyl siding is an exterior facade. Paint is a wall covering. Acting and false-witness...hypocrisy and sin. Either you do and speak from what stems from the beloved Jesus within you, all the time and with all people or you fake it. Perhaps, and if not worse, you dont even pretend to care or pretend at all; youre just devoid of Him altogether. It is all over our churches, my own church, every single church I have been to, visited, preached at, etc. No church have I seen that does not have this issue. No church have I seen, seem to have anybody doing anything about it, either. We just keep hearing “tares with the wheat, amen”. Whatever happened to “tend your garden” or “care for your vineyards”? Yes, those who do not believe, lost, or the likewise, should have every chance to hear and believe. But those who simply refuse to correct their actions and ways should be spoken to and made accountable for themselves. In truth, I am most fatigued by people within our churches, running off those who come to them and even those who belong to the church, than I am trying to get people in to the church in the first place! We spend all our days, planting seeds and trying to cultivate them, so that one or more hypocrites can purpose by with a gallon of Roundup! So weary am I of tired, dying or dead churches which have be slowly strangled to death by its own people. Everybody despises it, everyone complains about it. But yet, 2013 years since Christ died and left....nobody has fixed the problem. Why isnt your church growing by the hundreds, living and amazing, beyond belief? Because you do not honor it, the Lord who gave it to you and the simplest things you are commanded to do, you do not do. You will never see incredible until you begin doing the possible, the basic practices of the very faith you claim to have accepted and proclaim.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 06:14:56 +0000

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