A Comic Relief from Ebola! In literature, comic relief can be - TopicsExpress


A Comic Relief from Ebola! In literature, comic relief can be defined as “A humorous or farcical interlude in a serious literary work or drama, especially a tragedy, intended to relieve the dramatic tension or heighten the emotional impact by means of contrast.” This post is intended to serve as a comic relief—not that I do not consider the Ebola outbreak serious, but I just need a break from all the doom and gloom surrounding this outbreak. After a long fruitless day of hunting, a Lion frustratingly reclined under a tree deep in the forest. Just as the lion was about to doze to sleep, he heard the branches of the tree crackling above him. He looked up and saw a monkey swinging from branch to branch. Overburdened by fatigue, the lion ignored the monkey and return to his attempt to fall asleep. Then he heard a thud! Monkey had jumped down from the tree and started to tease the lion. Mr. King of Jungle, I bet you to catch me Lion looked up without making a move or saying a word. Monkey came closer within a paw-attack of the lion and continued to taunt him. Woe, weak old Lion, you cannot get me – I dare you – you weak little thing—here I am, come and get me! Lion then woke up slowly and took five steps backward before saying: Look at you, monkey, you think I am a fool. I catch my preys to survive, not to die. Are you trying to revenge for all your family members I devoured? I am foolish. Please go with your Ebola—I heard the humans saying –Do not eat monkeys and bats—so please carry your Ebola-toting self. I rather die from hunger than die from Ebola. Goodbye! With those words, Lion started her backward retreat.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:00:49 +0000

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