A Coming Tsunami Of Answered PrayerGarris Elkins, Medford, - TopicsExpress


A Coming Tsunami Of Answered PrayerGarris Elkins, Medford, OR As I prayed about the coming of the year 2015, I saw an image of approaching waves. I saw wave after wave approaching our shoreline and crashing upon our nation. While many people are expecting waves of terrorism and disease to arrive, the Lord said: I want you to look for the other waves. Look for the waves I am sending. This is where your focus needs to be. The waves I am sending will overcome these lesser waves of fear and death and wash over your nation with the fruit of My presence. As I heard these words, I knew that long awaited promises were about to be fulfilled. Many unforeseen things are approaching the nations of the world at this time. Without hope, fear and panic can direct our Quiver Flaming Arrows by Linda Harris-Iorioresponse to what is coming. It is our choice where we will focus our attention in this unique moment of human history. When I saw the image of waves, I saw a powerful tsunami approaching the West Coast of the United States. This was not a natural tsunami, but a tsunami of answered prayers. When this tsunami struck our coastline it broke upon our nation with supernatural power. (Photo via Wikimedia) Waves Of Gods Presence To Our Nation The same day God that revealed the image of the tsunami, I attended a worship service at Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon. A song from Bethel Music, You Make Me Brave, was being played by the worship team. The presence of God was felt in the sanctuary in a very powerful way. My wife, Jan, asked me, Did you feel what was going on in worship today? I did sense something unusual. All day long one part of that song continued to replay in my heart. I kept hearing the lyrics: As Your love, in wave after wave Crashes over me, crashes over me For You are for us You are not against us Champion of Heaven You made a way for all to enter in. These approaching waves of Gods manifest presence are working their way toward our nation because it is His heart to overwhelm us with His love. At some point in a previous season prayer was released that came into agreement with Gods heart. In the deep waters of the spiritual realm, the faith generated by these prayers has displaced fear and unbelief. Like a natural tsunami, this displacement has created the shift needed to birth a series of spiritual tsunamis that have been running silently in the deep waters of the spirit world toward our nation. Natural tsunamis can travel at airliner speeds across the full span of an ocean. They remain virtually undetected as they travel through the depths of an ocean to finally meet the rising undersea geography of a continent releasing their power upon impact with the shallow coastline. His Waves Release Destiny In the next few weeks leading up to 2015, I feel these waves of answered prayer will arrive on our shores mounting up in a powerful demonstration of Gods presence upon our nation. In a natural tsunami scenario you would run away in order to survive. When this spiritual tsunami arrives you will want to run toward it and dive headlong into its wave. Waves of darkness and gloom have been forecast in great detail and some of these events could actually arrive on our shores, but God wants our attention to be focused on a different scenario. This is a time to stand on the shores of our culture and look with hope for what God is bringing our way. Waves of terror, disease and fear do not carry our destiny. Only Gods presence carries our destiny – this is where we are to focus our attention. When each of us discovers the depth of Gods love for us and from that love, our individual God-birthed destiny, that discovery will begin to change the destiny of our cities and our nation. The waves of 2015 are coming to release that destiny. Garris Elkins, Author and Prophetic Minister A Dream: The Glory Cloud The Lord gave me a dream of an awakening that will take place in America. In this dream, I was standing in a stadium in America that was filled with thousands of people. The glory of the Lord was extremely intense and electric. I watched as a man walked out onto the platform and began to preach the Gospel. There was a golden cloud surrounding him, and as he began to preach, many were healed in a moments time. These people were healed out of the glory and the goodness of God. The Bible says that it is the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance (Romans 2:4). I believe that God is going to reap a mighty harvest of souls in America through miracles, signs, and wonders. God will be releasing many who will not just minister out of the anointing of laying hands on the sick, but God will be raising up those that will minister out of the glory of God. Isaiah the Prophet once asked the question: Who are these that fly like a cloud? I believe that Isaiah was prophesying something for our day and time. I believe that he was seeing a generation of glory carriers, those that would minister out of the cloud of glory. There is great revelation of Gods glory being released now and it will continue to increase. (Photo via pixabay) Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and the glory shall be seen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1-2 The glory of the Lord is going to be seen in the Church and the world will see it, and be drawn to the presence and power of the Lord. Many of us are experiencing some of the glory now, but we havent seen anything like what God is getting ready to release! ...And the power of the Lord was present to heal them. And behold, men brought in a bed a man which was taken with the palsy and they sought means to bring him in, and lay him before Him. Luke 5:17-18 KJV As Jesus was ministering, the power of the Lord was present to heal. He said to the man, I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home. Jesus did not have to lay hands on the man for him to be healed, but the man was healed out of the atmosphere of the Glory. I believe this is what will take place in America. The power of the Lord will be present to heal. God is doing a new thing! He will be using many to speak in stadiums as the glory of God is poured out on America. God will not limit Himself to using one man, but He will use many. There will not be any one person that can take credit for what God will do and release. I continued to dream that night about stadiums in America filled with thousands of people, hungry for the love and power of Jesus. God is ready to stretch out His hand over America for yet another awakening and a great harvest. Jesse Shamp Spirit Word Ministries International
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:38:58 +0000

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