A Commentary, The death of actor Paul Walker this past - TopicsExpress


A Commentary, The death of actor Paul Walker this past weekend had re-opened my eyes to, what I feel, is a tragic decline of common decency and courtesy. A friend of mine, made a status post simply stating I do not believe I have ever seen anything Paul Walker was even it The comments that followed, for the majority, was snide, rude, and downright ghastly jokes/remarks about a persons death. One person commented that it really shouldnt matter as far as the major news outlets, in light of everything else that is more important going on in the world (I am paraphrasing all of the comments, since they disgust me) another person simply said Thanks Obama!! My first comment to my friend was to mention a movie that Mr. Walker was in that he may have seen, other that the Fast and Furious movies Now what I should have done, was to just leave it at that...but the other peoples comments angered me just because, at this point, Mr. Walker hadnt even been confirmed dead. So I finished my comment by saying it is in really bad taste to joke about someone dying. So now, the insults began to be hurled at me, and while I should have just dropped it and gone back to listening to music and playing games... I decided to join the fray by trying to argue my side that it is wrong to joke about anyone dying. Needless to say, this argument was not won by anyone, since it degraded from the original point to where it ended up being about who could sound more intelligent while hurling thinly veiled insults at the other person (I was also guilty) The decline of common decency and courtesy that I spoke of at the beginning of this rant is this: The Internet has allowed us the anonymity and distance to where we can throw away the need to respect each other, and while we may not agree with the other persons point of view, the respect to not resort to nasty name-calling. I am not going to begin to say that I have not done this to other people, but over the past couple of days... I have discovered that a) I do not want to do this anymore, and b) I am not going to argue with people who do this to others or myself. Am I being too sensitive? perhaps, but as I get older.. I get stressed out by too much to continue in such activity. Those who truly know me knows why this kind of thing really upsets me. It is not anything I can really control, except to just not participate or read any kind of internet debates. I am sure there may be a comment or two that will try to goad me into a debate... I will not respond to such, and if they are mean spirited, I will delete them. Keith.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:20:32 +0000

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