A Common Core thought: Lend me an ear: I think the story Michael - TopicsExpress


A Common Core thought: Lend me an ear: I think the story Michael Moore would be most interested in is that the endgame of all of this (fostered for years behind the scenes by people like Gates and Michael Millken - yes the Hedge fund guy who went to prison-- I know I worked for his foundation), is to have education become a completely privatized for-profit venture, run by corporations, with teachers acting as proctors for thousands of kids being educated not in the classroom but on computers. Gates and Millken recognized the huge potential for profit and worldwide control. Check out K12. Most of you probably know of this company already. It was started by Millken and Hewlett Packard and now runs online schools throughout the country (world actually). In our school district, it is recognized as a legitimate public school -- they provide the computers, the books, everything and the school district pays them for it. Kids can also go to private schools online through k12, which parents have to pay for. Like any great mogul, Millken and Gates have a long term goal in mind. If they have their way, there will be no real teachers anymore. Just proctorswho oversee the online schools from afar. They will follow whatever agenda K12 or other online school sets for them. And Gates and Millken and their corporate friends will not only make billions because the money for schools (public or private) will now go to them, but they will control what is taught, which is even more valuable to people like Gates and Millken. And further, they will have access to massive amounts of data (like insurance actuaries) which will allow them determine future trends and the future itself (and that is a key point). Its just in Gates and Millkens DNA to control and most of us have a hard time understanding that mindset. So while the curriculum is horrible, its important to focus on what the endgame is. The curriculum is an act and a diversion for what they really have planned (and the curriculum will change, and not in a good way, as they gain more and more control over education). Why dont we make our own documentary. My husbands a filmmaker. And hes funny.
Posted on: Sun, 11 May 2014 16:40:56 +0000

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