A Compass for Life June 2014: A Word from Dr. Stanley - TopicsExpress


A Compass for Life June 2014: A Word from Dr. Stanley Summer is the ideal time for travel, but whether we hop on a plane or stay home, we’re all on a spiritual journey. The question is, Do you know where you’re headed or even whether you’re on the right path? We could all use a little help figuring out which way to go. Throughout my travels, I’ve relied on a compass to guide me. If I’m ever uncertain about my course, I just pull it out and check the direction. In the same way, God understands we need a spiritual compass. That’s why He’s given us His Word. Proverbs 3:1-2 says, “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments; for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.” When the Bible is uppermost in our thinking, it will accurately guide us in every situation. However, if we neglect the Scriptures, we’ll be like a hiker lost in the woods. Sometimes we can be led astray when we trust others’ advice instead of consulting the Word. On one occasion when I was following a guide, I asked if we were going the wrong direction. He confidently assured me that he knew where we were. However, since my compass showed that we were off course, I knew I had to believe it rather than him. Thankfully, he listened, and we got home safely. Every day various voices try to lure us off the right path. If we listen to them rather than God’s Word, we’ll find ourselves in a heap of trouble. A trustworthy compass is especially vital when life is clouded with difficulties and uncertainties. Any pilot can tell you that it’s unreliable to let feelings guide him. He may be totally convinced he’s on course, only to discover he’s flying away from his destination, not toward it. Have the difficulties and challenges of life clouded your vision and left you confused? Maybe you need wisdom regarding your job, finances, or family. Whatever is ahead, the Lord knows the direction you should go. So take out your spiritual compass and follow His instructions. The Bible will never fail to lead you in the right direction because it always points toward God, the one who never makes mistakes. IN TOUCH MINISTRY
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 15:54:09 +0000

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