A DAY IN THE LIFE OF MARIA PICCIRILLI CAMP DIRECTOR: Like any other day at camp, it begins with a warm welcome from our camp director Maria Piccirilli. As the buses pull in to drop off our eager campers, Maria is there to greet each of them one by one with a hi, hello or a high-five. Once each camper joins their group, Maria begins the morning with announcements and prayer. “Goooood Morning Campers, does anyone know what day it is?” Waiting for a response, she plots her next move to throw the campers off by saying something different like, “it’s not Wednesday, it’s Prince Spaghetti Day!” She makes it a point to check to see if everyone is there, thanking the staff and the campers for the day before. After prayer, she calls a person to say the Pledge of Allegiance and then off the campers go for another great day, knowing that Maria is in the office diligently planning things that are safe and fun for them to do the next day. But No, Maria gets into her golf cart and heads, well, anywhere Maria wants to go. First, to the ropes course where she schools everyone in how to do the Whale Watch, acting both as director and mother, to staff and campers. After that she stops by the playground to get her morning swing in. Her hair swinging in the breeze, she does her best thinking here. Next, a quick slide down memory lane, where she remembers her younger days in Italy as a small child from modest village and look where she is now. All this beauty around her, she feel so fortunate. Which then leads down the path to her good friend Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Here she is reminded how lucky she is to have spent so many years in a place that accepted her and utilized her gifts and talents. This place, Mother of Hope camp, previously known as, Mater Spei Day Camp, a place where her dreams for children came true. She says a quick prayer and then back down to the office, where she conducts herself like the respected woman that she is, with her never wavering quest for safety she begins another day in this paradise she calls HOME.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 18:57:04 +0000

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