A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RAIN RESCUE Every day is completely - TopicsExpress


A DAY IN THE LIFE OF RAIN RESCUE Every day is completely different here at Rain Rescue and if there is one thing you can guarantee it is that you never know what might happen. The days always start the same, early mornings feeding, cleaning and walking. Hard graft for our kennel team who slog it out until every last dog and cat has what they need. Then its off to the vets with the poorly ones or the ones to be neutered. Today was Ivys turn. This gorgeous old girl who has the sweetest nature just cant seem to catch a break, shaking off her kennel cough and putting on weight we thought she was heading in the right direction and then her ear just went POP. Haematoba just like Thor the other week (remember the one with all the buttons in his ear?) Anyway off she went this morning for her operation to get her ear sorted and for the vet to have another look at that nasty wound on her foot that never seems to heal. Then it was eye drops for Barnaby, ear drops for Sparkle, cuddles for Josh, a run in the field for George, playtime for Robbie. Time for visitors. Potential adopters invited by our rehoming team to come and meet one of our dogs looking for a new home, sadly today it wasnt quite right. Sometimes thats just how it goes. We would only ever rehome a dog or cat when the adopters are 100% and so are we. Several knocks at the door, several Amazon Wishlist packages. AMAZING. All of us here at Rain Rescue are just overwhelmed with how generous some of our supporters are. Today our dogs and cats received gifts of Kongs, jumpers, thundershirts, bones, toys and bandages and our kennel staff were treated to a new scrubber for the dog beds. We want to thank everyone who has sent us items from the wishlist once more as it just means the world. Weve also been busy listing some gorgeous items on our eBay shop. Hopefully it will bring in a few more pennies for the animals here. Nicky spent the day giving baths to the newbies, Sidney, Clint and Sibley were all very dirty having only arrived yesterday they certainly needed some shampoo in their lives. Seeing the colour of the water during Sibley and Clints bath shocked us all. They were riddled with fleas, Clint is so sad to be in kennels and old Sibley is so wobbly on her 3 feet, its so sad to see. But we are sure with a little Rain magic they will get there and be running around our field in no time. Steve then reappeared with a new girl, feisty little Minnie. A tiny girl with a whole lot of attitude. Shes full of beans and poor old Sidney isnt sure what to make of her yet but we sure they will be kennel pals before you know it. Bronte, Boris and Yogi all trotted off to the barn with Steve, Jacquie and Adam for a good sort out of all the shop donations. Lots of people still dont know we have two charity shops, one at Arbourthorne and one in Sunnyside. Our teams at the shops are just fabulous and give their time to help us bring in money from the wonderful donations of clothes, jewellery and bric a brac we receive from our supporters. Then it was time to pick Ivy up from the vets. They said she had been wonderful and lived up to her sweet girl reputation despite enduring a major and surely painful op. We didnt know whether to laugh or cry when she hopped out of the van looking like this ... Poor poor old girl looks so comical but yet her ordeal is no laughing matter. She had lots of cuddles and treats before she went off to bed to settle. When she is better she will make someone an amazing companion. Then before we head off home, its feeding and walking time again. We havent even mentioned the endless phone calls and messages we receive asking yet again if we can take an unwanted dog or another pregnant cat. It is endless. We try to be here for the ones who need us most. The ones who have no one else but it is so heart breaking not being able to help them all. We wonder what tomorrow will bring .... Help us keep helping. TEXT DOGS26 £1/2/5/10 to 70070 or visit WWW.JUSTGIVING.COM/RAINRESCUE Thank you!!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 16:56:07 +0000

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