A DIFFERENT KIND OF SEMINAR June 21, Saturday, can be one of - TopicsExpress


A DIFFERENT KIND OF SEMINAR June 21, Saturday, can be one of the highlights with all my speaking engagement for the year 2014. I have done a lot of speaking engagements but I consider this one as one of the most challenging one. Why? I was given a very rare opportunity to speak to a very special group who are fighting the BIG C which is cancer. Over 40 to 50 people were present at the Piano Lounge of ST. LUKES GLOBAL CITY. The topic I discussed was How to stay positive in a negative situation? How can you encourage people who are ill and are in pain, assuring them that everything is going to be all right? I am not in any way near their situation and cannot say I understand what they are going through. But thanks be to God, after prayer and petition, He gave me wisdom by sharing our personal experience with my wife when she gave birth to our youngest child. It was the year 2005, after three days of giving birth, my wife suffered a severe head migraine and the pain level was so intense, I need to bring her back to our doctor. The doctor gave some prescription but nothing happened. Then the doctor asked, From a level of one up to ten, what is the level of pain? My wife reply was Nine. The doctor then immediately recommended a session of MRI to check the activity of her brain. While she was in the MRI session, there was a commotion inside the room and the nurses were shouting Code blue, because she was already having an episode of seizures. I was clueless of what was happening until the doctors informed me she was already under a state of comatose. She stayed in that condition for almost 4 days, and when she woke up, the situation did not improve, it went from bad to worst. To cut the long story short, we stayed in the hospital for 21 long days. It was mentally, emotionally and even financially draining for me and my family. Day 17 was a crucial time for my wife because I thought that she was going to expire. But praise be to God, because of the intercession and prayer of our church and love ones. My wife was able to fight and overcome. On the 19th day, my wife was able to experience relief. From pain level 9 it went down drastically to number 3. On the 20th day, she was able to sat up and on the 21st day, we were discharged out of the hospital. I was the happiest man in the world and after over 3 months of rehab, she is now healthy and well. It has been over 9 years, the incident never recurred. This is what I personally realised during our journey. Allow me to share with you what I shared with the patients. LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME. Not to look back at the past and asked What did I do wrong? Bringing back the past will not change the past or even make a dent on the present. It will just add more stress and tension to what you are feeling now. Never worry too much about the future. Thinking about what potentially might happen in the future by creating scenarios and playing it out in our mind can also be scary and stressful. What will happen to my love ones? Who will take care of them? How will they live without me? Never worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has concerns of their own. Looking back at the past and looking ahead of the future will not help. So what we need to do is to live at the present. Be present at the present. Try your best to set goals on a day to day basis. Try to go through the day without counting the days behind us or ahead of us. This is the proper time to live for the moment. ADMIT THAT YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL No one can control or predict their future. If someone can predict what will happen in the future, I am sure that he or she will be billionaire, for they can sure predict the number of the winning lottery. Most of us want to control our destiny. We want to know what will happen to our future. But in reality, no one can. Control what you can and let go of what you cannot. GOD IS IN CONTROL God is sovereign, we are not. God is all knowing, we are not. God is all powerful, we are not. He can make a way even if there is no way. He can make the impossible, possible. He can make lame walk and blind see. God will never leave us nor forsake us. God has plans to prosper us, not to harm us. God want us to have hope and a brighter future. We just need to trust God with His plans not our plans. As the bible says “The heavens are higher than the earth. And my ways are higher than your ways. My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9 At the end of the day, even if we do not see Gods hand is moving, we just need to trust in His heart. Are you going through tough times now? Are you also experiencing some types of pain? It may be emotional, mental, physical or even financial. I pray and hope that this blog can minister and encourage you.
Posted on: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 14:36:55 +0000

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