A DIRECT SLAP AND INSULT ON ABAVO KINGDOM AND ABAVO PEOPLE FROM VICTOR NWANOKOLO, THE PDP NATIONAL HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY ASPIRANT IN IKA, DELTA STATE. A very interesting and insultive news has just filtered in that BARRISTER VICTOR NWANOKOLO, the guy contesting for the PDP national house of assembly in Ika ,Delta North, Delta state, has just visited the dethroned good for nothing, illegitimate, ex monarch Uche irenuma??????? presenting him with a cow for Christmas, and in view of getting Abavo peoples vote. The COW was sold within hours by the drug junkie boy ( Uche Irenuma???) as he is presently financially bankrupt. I am drawing the attention of Abavo people to this direct and indirect slap and insult on us. My dear people of Abavo Kingdom, do we say because of political affiliation etc, we should be insulted by a man who claimed to be a lawyer and should be in better position to know that Abavo is a very sensitive place for his political mischief. My people, we have earlier warned politicians that any of them that has anything to do with Abavo people, should pay a courtesy call to the OLIHEN of Abavo Kingdom or the PRESIDENT of the ABAVO CLAN UNION. We have also warned that any politician irrespective of the position he/she is contesting for, should NOT have anything rather affiliation with UCHE IRENUMA?????? and Martin Okonta as it will not be a usual game for them, as the people of Abavo have drawn the battle line for any politician that go against this rules. Barrister, I hate to address you by that honourable title as you do not merit it by your behaviour as a silk (learned men). Mr Victor Nwanokolo, I believe as a law student, you did a bit of customary law before your field of specialisation in whatever part of the legal field you claimed to be and should know what the traditional or customary law say in this present situation of Abavo. Victor Nwanokolo, you have shown us that you have no respect for Abavo people and these are the people that gave you their votes without any form of tribal sentiment attached nor any sort of kickback. Victor Nwanokolo, you will not bring any sort of misunderstanding between us ( Abavo Kingdom) and Igbodo people but for the route or action you have taken to insult us or abuse us for our kindness, you will have us to contest with. Do no think that PDP rigging style of vote will help you this time around. Victor Nwanokolo, you are a failure and as you can see, you have not done any tangible thing for Ika people all your time in govt but enriched yourself like Martin Okonta the thief from Abavo that was picked from the gutter and made human. Whoever must have advice you on that mission of going to see Uche Irenuma???? has ill advised you, whether those adviser were from Abavo or outside Abavo Kingdom. You should have contacted your Obi, the council of elders from your place (Igbodo) or real traditional rulers in Ika for them to advise you unless you are one of those that have no regard for your council of elders because you feel you have got the govt connection just like Martin Okonta use to be full of himself. My good people of Abavo forget party politics and political affiliation to tell Mr Victor Nwanokolo that we the Abavo people are not stupid, that we are very vigilant with our surroundings, united and ready at any time to defend our God given rights. Abavians, we have come a long way, we have moved a lot of deadly mountains on our way to get to where we are today, we have reduced the gollaiaths on our ways to nothing, not by our strength and myths, but by the spirit of our living God and our ancestors. I will also use this medium to warn us that within us, there are few Abavians that are working hard to mortgage Abavo Kingdom and her citizens but they have failed and will continue to fail so, watch out for these few like MARTIN OKONTA and his virus crews in particular. Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year to everyone of you in Jesus Name
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 07:05:17 +0000

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