A DIXIE UPDATE 44 December 14 ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS For eleven - TopicsExpress


A DIXIE UPDATE 44 December 14 ~ MERRY CHRISTMAS For eleven days, since the FOLFOX infusion, Fluorouracil (F-5), Oxaliplatin, and Leucovorin, have been at work, searching out Enemy Cancer cells and destroying them wherever they can be found. However, as with precise bombing or rocket fire tactics designed to kill enemy killers, innocent cells going about their normal life-serving duties are also destroyed. Tagged as collateral damage, it is the calculated cost of this never ending deadly warfare. Regretfully, Wednesday is a bad day, resulting in a last-minute cancellation for Dixie of Christmas dinner plans with our C3 Leaders Forum husbands and wives. Friday is a good day and she attends the annual Christmas party in our condo community, where she is surrounded by men and women residents who are glad to see her. She enjoys the evening, eventually leaving to the sounds and touches of warm goodbyes, returning to our apartment, fatigued, but emotionally exhilarated, feeding off the friendships of good neighbors. Life changes on a daily, sometimes hourly basis for us. Going forward in the weeks, months and years ahead, we choose to give to our time together as much love and attention as is possible to do. It has been fifteen months since beginning a medical search for an elusive something is wrong problem; ten months since diagnosis, Whipple surgery, radiation and now, her third round of chemotherapy, which we expect to continue at least until the end of January. She remains as active as strength will allow, yet weak and fatigued each day. Late in January, fresh scans will be taken and we will know whether or not this chemo round is working and to what extent. We are grateful for thousands of prayers directed to the ear of God, and the best medical resources we could hope for; but we are also realists, understanding we are a very small part of our Lords grand plan. Whatever lies ahead, his will in all areas of our lives remains the main thing. We are not anxious. We are at peace in our Lords promises. He is forever trustworthy and we are trusting in him. We are confident he hears yours and our prayers. No question. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. ~ Psalm 46:1 We are in the Christmas season. For much of our married life, weve lived at significant distances from our parents, siblings, children and extended family members. Special holidays like Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas have not been celebrated with all these nuclear family members present, but with the cherished people we love and served in our congregations and elsewhere throughout the world, who continue to be our family in Christ. This is also a reality for many of our colleagues and their families with similar callings and responsibilities as ours. If its true in your church this year, it is a gift. Enjoy your pastors or priests; tell them how much they are loved and be blessed! This year for us will be different. Our family. . . our children, grandchildren, great grandson (#2 is on the way), will be together on the weekend before Christmas, a rarity since we live so geographically spread apart ~ providing us with many looked forward delightful moments. They arrive on Friday from Denver and Hong Kong to link up with our Northwest family. On Thursday we meet with our oncologist, Dr Chiorean, a blood draw, chemotherapy infusion and the home infusion pump connection. Thank you for your love and prayers. Merry Christmas! ~W
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 02:18:45 +0000

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