A DREAM I HAD LASTNIGHT 6/22/13 & THE INTERPRETATION I GOT FROM GOD.. Lastnight I went to bed about 1am I couldnt sleep for some reason and not only that I felt afraid for some strange reason, so I slept with the night light on.. Anyhow I dreamth I was in a place, that seems familiar but I could tell exactly where.. This place looked different, it had no color everything was gray like ash looking, was the only thing in that place that had color..I was walking down this street, no one was around except when i enter that street some dogs started following me, they were some wierd looking dogs, thier hair was falling off, they looked really boney and malnurished but had a fierce look on there face, I ran away the first one, then continue walking, . I heard i howling behind me again, i looked it was another dog but this time it changed to a more hedious looking one, hair still falling of, and maggots falling from the eyes, but still howling at me, this happen about six thimes but each time the dogs changed to a more uglier, nastier looking, i dont know words to dsscribe it so i call it ugly and nasty looking.. After that sixth dog came it was as if it was getting closer to me, I say in my mind please this dog must have lost its mind, immediatelt the dog changed into what looked like a pig, the pig look like the wild hogs but gray, everything was gray, the dogs were also.. The pig had 4 long and ugly looking teeth, two was pointing up and ywo pointing down,, its mouth was foaming and maggots was falling from its guts.. I saw to myself in the dream, God what is this? I started saying in my mind the blood of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, over and over then the pig changed to a male goat... the goat was scranney looking , hairs falling off his horns were pointing downward and it curled to form like ears at the side of its head, its guts was falling out, and maggots was crawling in and out of him, but it had a growl like a dog and coming towards me, i say the blood of Jesus and i fell on its side. I ran away and came to what looks like a gate to some city, this city was gray, the buildings were crooked, I sat down at the gate because it was locked, a man looking like a security guard came up the me, he was so plae looking, his skin had no color, his eyes were gray he looked gray, is clothes were just darker but it was also gray.. I only knew he was a security gguard because of a star badge on his shirt. He said to me, how long have you being here? meaning how long were you away from this city, I told him its about 7yrs, but for the first 3yrs i have being frequent here mainly to see my sister, but for the last 4yrs I had not returned, i got really busy.. I told him we use to get in touch but havent heard from her in a long time so I have come to see why.. Suddenly I heard laughing, i looked up to what seemed like a balcony and there stood a manand a woman, they were well dressed like they were going to some dinner or whatever, the man had on a suit and the lady in a fine dress.. I wondered way they were laughing, on that balcony a snake which was black with gray scales started crawling down towards me, i say again Jesus.. The snake bit me twice on the right arm, and when it hang on for the third time, i remember what Paul in the bible did, and I say the blood of Jesus and it fell off and dried up. The man and the woman on the balcony got angry and the life turn into one, it was as if they melt into each other, in the end together they looked like a rams head, all gray but ash was falling from it, it eyes looked like fire and the walls of the balcony changed, it look like the lava from volcanoes started going up the wall, i have never seen water run upwards before, but the lava was running upwards to the roof, the whole place began looking like that, I say Jesu, what is this, Blood of Jesus, I need help, Blood of Jesus...and i jumped out of my sleep. Ilooked at the clock and it was 5:35 or 45am.. My fB family I woke up saying the blood of Jesus, i was so shaken, i looked at my hand and on it look as if i ws bitten by mosquitoes, two raised bump, i flashed my hand and say the blood of Jesus youshall not be my portion, I looked again and it was gone.. Noiw i was realy shaken, I got up and went to the bathroom and I say God , what the hell was that, i need help, trhis one I need a word on it. As i crawled back into bed the Lord began to speak to me this is what He said, " The level that your at now, you have never being there in 7yrs. For that first 3yrs of that 7 you saw a glimpse of that but you were not permited to see further( (In 2006 i had a dream where i was in the middle of a field but i was surrounded by a bond of angels with their hands interlocking forming a ring around me and around the angels was a ring of dogs with red eyes trying to get in but they couldnt pass.. I recorded that in my journal) He said after the first 3yrs you went dormant for 4yrs, but today you have seen.. I said to Him, I dont understand what I have seen, God said, what you have seen is demons, they are not like before, they get worse as times go by, they get more fierce and more hedious, they change to suite the situation, they change until the head, mastor one got to show up, but my blood is stronger..." MY FB brothers and sisters as God as my witness am not lying.. We need to pray and fast like never before, the sins of this genenration is feuling or strengthen these demons, only the blood of Jesus can help us, while I was dormant for the last 4yrs as God told me, I was still going to church, praising God, fasting and speaking in tongues, but God say i have being dormant, in the same spot going nowhwere.. As shocked as I was, i remember 2wks ago I had this sudden hunger for more of God, I beg God for a new encou nter with Jesus, i needed a more.. Al i have been doing for the pass two weeks was pleading with God to take me higher, i felt something was missing and last night I had this dream.. Now i know i need to watch, the devil and all his demons are after us, he higher you go in God the much more fiercer and stronger demons the devil will send after you to cut you down, even if he has to send the head principality after you, the deil is not relentless he wont stop even though with Jesus he is already defeated.. God told me His blood is stronger.. PRAY PEOPLE PRAY, SEEK GOD, FAST, BE CHARGED UP, THE DEVIL WONT STOP TIL HIS DAY OF DAMNATION!!!! WE NEED TO COVEROURSELVES WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS, IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO WIN THIS BATTLE!!! MAY GOD HELP US ALL......
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:28:45 +0000

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