A Dab A Do Ya “And the LORD said, If ye had FAITH as a grain - TopicsExpress


A Dab A Do Ya “And the LORD said, If ye had FAITH as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.” ~Luke 17:6~ Have you ever been in a position you asked a grandparent for something, and they responded, “A Dab A Do Ya…” How about, have you ever been out and wanted a drink because you felt a little stressed, and the bartender or friends said, “A Dab A Do Ya, too much will fool ya…” Or have you ever had the favorite cologne/perfume growing up you loved to smell and wear, but you always heard someone say, “A Dab A Do Ya…” Sometimes in life we tend to bite off more than we can chew, when should have remembered those words, “A Dab A Do Ya…” When it comes to having FAITH, A Dab A Do Ya… But you can never have too much of it. Oftentimes, many of us are intimidated by our FAITH. The mission of the Church is to make disciples of JESUS CHRIST for the transformation of the world. We are the Church. But, we might think to ourselves, “How can we possibly fulfill such a task? As individuals, we are only one person. We don’t consider ourselves to be very talented at sharing our FAITH. Perhaps we are a bit shy. What if people reject our message? What can we offer; we have so little. We are not talented enough. We are not smart enough. People are liable to laugh at us. Who are we? And do we even have enough FAITH to engage in such an undertaking?” Our call as Christians and the conviction we have, through the power of the Holy Spirit, can be overwhelming… But Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… When faced with the call of discipleship, the apostles felt as if they just didn’t have enough FAITH for the task. So JESUS replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” What in the world does JESUS mean by that? A mustard seed is just about one of the smallest seeds in existence. If you held it in your hand; you might not even be able to see it. And sometimes we have trouble seeing the FAITH that we do have… A Dab A Do Ya…When the going gets rough or we are convicted to tell someone about JESUS, we may have a hard time finding the FAITH to do it… But JESUS is telling us it is already inside of us. All we have to do is tap into it. Just look at what happened to the apostles after the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. This frightened band of followers were empowered to stand up in front of all the world and proclaim with boldness, clarity and conviction, “let all of Israel be assured of this: GOD has made JESUS, whom we crucified, both LORD and CHRIST.” All they had was a mustard seed size FAITH… When we as a Church, live like this, we find, perhaps to our own amazement and surprise, that we have a new pep in our step. There is attractiveness to us, a new energy found as we celebrate GOD’S generosity by being generous ourselves. And that attractiveness is what draws other people near to us (the church). Of course, this takes FAITH, and it must be done in the community of the Church. We cannot do it alone. We must do it together. That is GOD’S plan. That is who and what we are (GOD’S PLAN)… When the apostles said to JESUS, “We just don’t have sufficient strength to do what You ask. LORD, increase our FAITH.” JESUS responds by saying, basically, “You already have FAITH sufficient for what I am asking. All it takes is FAITH no bigger than a mustard seed. If you act on that FAITH, you can tell that mulberry tree over there to pull itself out by the roots and jump into the ocean and it will.” Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… FAITH isn’t a magic trick by which we are empowered to have to do spectacular: What JESUS is saying is that we, as the Church have enough FAITH to change the world for CHRIST. Elsewhere JESUS emphasizes the wonder of the mustard seed. It’s half the size of a grain of rice, yet it grows into a bush so large that birds come and build nests in it. In other words, others come and find their home in the Church which is built on FAITH. And this is a FAITH that calls us forth and shapes everything about us… Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… We become the Body of CHRIST on this earth. We are empowered to continue the ministry of CHRIST—which is our calling… And all it takes is trusting GOD to be GOD. We don’t need to be Superman or Wonderwoman. All we need is GOD and one another. Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… The early Church was doing these kinds of things. They were generous and committed. They were praising GOD by putting their FAITH into action, and they were “enjoying the favor of all the people.” And day after day, the LORD was adding to their number those who were being saved… That’s how it works. The Gospel hasn’t changed. GOD’S power hasn’t diminished… People still need to be saved. GOD has entrusted us with a great FAITH… Anything is possible. Are we ready to experience this first hand? Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… Regardless of whatever situation that is going on in our lives, if we have enough FAITH to speak to the mulberry bush (Our Finances, Our Health, Our Family, Our Household, Our Job, ALL of Our Situations), it has to move. Where is your FAITH? Remember, A Dab A Do Ya… Be Encouraged and Don’t Give Up… #FBIMinistries Rev. O. W. Woodard F. B. I. Ministries June 28, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:18:46 +0000

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