A Demon’s Tale “A sacrifice, a wish, and a mark. These - TopicsExpress


A Demon’s Tale “A sacrifice, a wish, and a mark. These things will keep us bound together until the day I take your soul. So...shall we make a contract~” ________________________________________ Chapter 1 - Zak Celtic The shadow man offered me a wish today Those were the words he spoken to me but...should I accept? When I was younger, barely eight years of age, my parents were massacred. Bodies a tangle of shreds hanging on the ceiling by invisible strings. Stomachs opened and their innards missing. Eyes busted, face barely recognized….such a state for a child to find their beloved parents in. After that day my aunt and uncle who I trusted dearly gave me away to a place akin to hell and turned their backs on me….I escaped some years later to a country called America and was taken in by an orphanage. So far…my life hasn’t been made up of happiness. A wish he said. What is my wish? To get out of foster care? To get adopted and establish a happy life with some well-to-do couples? Revenge maybe…revenge? On those who killed my parents, on my auntie and uncle that abandoned me and tossed me to beasts, on everyone who locked me in that darkness and threw the key to freedom away? Revenge… The word replayed in my mind over and over again, taunting me, beckoning me. Revenge… “I see. Summon me when you have decided your wish my lady.” And like that he vanished. It took me a few moments to remember where I was. Every day after school, I hurry back to the orphanage and go straight to my room to lock myself in there. I do it because I hate dealing with the world surrounding me but today Lenny (one of the orphans like me) locked me out and everyone else living there was out shopping. Whenever this happens I go to this abandon house and there I stay and think about whatever plagues my thoughts. However today was different. I am usually a calm person but today was miserable. At the abandoned house, my only self-sanctuary, the emotions that have always bottled up in me broke free. I was pounding the floorboards screaming and crying. The room darkened without me noticing. I don’t know how long I went on pounding the floor with my fists until he showed up, out of the shadows as if he was made out of them himself. “My, my you’re in an awfully foul mode.” He picked me up by my arms from behind like a child. That is when I noticed everything was cloaked in darkness and when I turned to look at the man holding me, stroking my hair gently, all I saw was a shadow. Even though he blended in with the blackness surrounding us, I could sense a Cheshire smile on his face. The next thing I knew, I was given a choice to have a wish granted but in return…I give up my soul. “What troubles you” he asked, his voice dripped out as smooth as honey but as poisonous as a scorpion’s sting. “Is it a past of betrayal and heart ache? Do you have a wish you want granted? A wish you would give up your soul to come true.” He got closer. “What is your wish little one?” My…wish. And that is how I ended up like this; standing alone in the center of the room of an abandoned house with tears streaming down my cheeks and the shadow man’s parting voice in my head. I wiped my face. Who was he and how do I summon him? Was his talk for real or was he some pervert? Should I tell somebody at the orphanage— I gasped “Gya! I have to get back there; I have no idea how late it is!!!” awe man! I passed curfew. She is going to kill me like last time. “Oh well. Here I go.” I prayed a little prayer reaching for the doorknob of the orphanage but the door swung open before I could even touch the knob. A women of long silk blonde hair, aqua blue eyes, and an hour glass waste glares down at me. sweat dropping I try smiling “Um…hey Angela—” before I could apologize and explain my tardiness she pounced on me. I am so dead. “Zak! I was so worried!” she crushed me in a suffocating bear hug while scolding me. “I thought you got lost or someone kidnapped you; WHERE WERE YOU MISSY IT IS CLOSE TO TEN AT NIGHT!” To explain; Angela is a caretaker at the orphanage. For every child in this place there is a caretaker to watch them. Angela watches all the kids along with Misa since there are only five to care for. The rest of the kids have been adopted or have already come of age to not need to have parents. Angela has good intentions and helps anyone who needs help because her heart is big but sadly…I seem to be her favorite for she treats me, not better, but she’s more attentive to me than the other children. It’s creepy. I kind of fainted from her hugging me too hard, I think she may have broken my ribs. “Eh? Are you ok?” no I am not! I am choking! Is what I wanted to yell. Grabbing my face in her soft hands, Angela looks closely at my face. “Were you…crying Zak?” she can be really sharp sometimes. “What happened?! Did someone hurt you!!!” she shakes me a bit to answer her. “No!” I hold my hands up in protest. “Nothing’s wrong; I was yawning because I’m a little tired Angela.” She smiled gently at me but I could tell she was still suspicious for it was written all over her eyes. “I see…then let’s get you to bed then sweetheart.” ________________________________________ “Angela…you don’t have to tuck me in bed you know.” I tried not to sound annoyed with her antics but it was futile. “I am not a little girl.” “You know—” she began “in the old days when America was first founded, a girl wasn’t considered a, women until she turned a certain age and had her period in order to reproduce for her family.” She laughed at my disgusted face. “That’s in the old times Angela; this is the present time.” “True but I like sticking to traditions.” She patted my head as I wondered what the heck she meant by that but before I could ask she was glaring at something out my room window. It was a midnight blue black cat on the rail outside my window, sitting on the flowers pots. He wasn’t doing anything but sitting and staring inside at the room…at me. “Vultures” Angela murmured with distaste. I never understood why but she never been fond of cats, especially black ones. Every time she sees one she would chase it away. I asked her once why she hated them and then I spent a whole hour hearing her “in the old times” story. I never questioned her ways after that. And I don’t want that every again so… “Um Angela; it’s pretty late now and I have school tomorrow…” “Oh that’s right! Sorry dear and goodnight.” She left leaving the door cracked before going to her own room. I wonder how someone can know all that history? She’s got to be only 23. I looked back at the cat at my window with shinning onyx eyes looking at me as if I was its prey. “Oi,” it blinked “Stop giving me the eye mister cat. I’m not anyone’s food.” It didn’t listen to me but nevertheless I slipped into dreamland. “Huff, huff, Where is everyone? They left me alone.” “That’s not true. I am still here Zak and I will never leave you alone.” It’s this dream again…*LICK* gaaaaah! My eyes shoot open. The cat from last night was licking me—what the hell?! “How did you get in here?!” I lifted it from its fur collar to eye level. Did I leave my window open? But that can’t be; I know for a fact it was closed and the latch was on. So how did this tiny guy get in? “Zak! Zak!” another orphan named Zoe ran in waving a magazine. “Z-A-K~” she squealed jumping on my abdomen. I hid the cat quickly behind my back but made sure to not land on it. “WAH! THAT HURTS!” “Sorry….BUT LOOK!” she smashed the magazine she had in my face babbling a mile a minute. “The queen of England is coming here to America!” “What?” I looked at the article. “All hail the Queen; Queen Marylyn of England herself, known for never leaving her beloved country, will be in the United States of America on January 12, 2009. She will be accompanied by two of the greatest clothing designers to help launch their opening in America. Coy and Christiana Dowell say they are looking forward to expanding their brand to other countries with their Majesty.” My eyes widened. “Isn’t that awesome!” Zoe’s eyes sparkled with wonder. “A real Queen; here~ oh yeah!” she snatched the magazine out of my hands. “Angela told me to tell you to get up and start getting ready for school.” she ran out the room as she told me these words but I heard nothing. Revenge. The words swam in my brain. The shadow man offered me a wish today…but if I accept the achievement won’t be MINE. Or will it?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 05:18:48 +0000

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