A Difficult Place September 20, 2013— byRandy Kilgore Read: - TopicsExpress


A Difficult Place September 20, 2013— byRandy Kilgore Read: Acts 8:4-8,26-35 I will never leave you nor forsake you. —Hebrews 13:5 Bible in a Year: Ecclesiastes 4-6; 2 Corinthians 12 When a sudden change in technology made his job obsolete, a highly trained scientist found himself working in a fast-food restaurant. One evening after our Bible study he described the situation as difficult and humbling. He said, “One good thing I can say is that the young people there seem very interested in my faith.” A member of the group responded, “I admire you for being humble. I know your faith must have something to do with it.” Like my acquaintance, Philip may have wondered why God would pull him off an assignment in Samaria (Acts 8:4-8) and plop him in the middle of the desert (v.26). But then he found that the Ethiopian needed help understanding the Scriptures (vv.27-35), and his place made sense. When Jesus promised He would never leave us alone (Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5), He meant in the hard times as well as in the good times. Our mission in the difficult seasons of life is to work or serve remembering we are doing it for God, and then to watch as God works to accomplish His purposes. Look for God in your difficult place and discover what He’s doing in and through you there. Disappointment—His appointment,No good thing will He withhold;From denials oft we gatherTreasures of His love untold. —Young What’s better than answers to our why questions? Trusting a good God who has His reasons. 困难处境 2013年 09月 20日 - Randy Kilgore 读经: 使徒行传8章4-8、26-35节 我总不撇下你,也不丢弃你。 —希伯来书13章5节 全年读经: 传道书4-6章 哥林多后书12章 有个受过专业训练的科学家,在科技业的剧变下失业,最后转到速食餐厅工作。某个晚上,我们查经聚会后,他告诉我们自己的困难处境,让他学习到了谦卑。他说:「但是有件好事值得一提,就是餐厅里的年轻同事们似乎对我的信仰很感兴趣。」一位小组成员回应说:「我很欣赏你谦卑的态度,我知道这必定与你的信心有关。」 就像我的这个朋友,腓利也必定纳闷为何上帝要终止他在撒马利亚的任务(使徒行传8章4-8节),还把他派到旷野沙漠中(26节),但之后,当他遇到那位需要帮助了解圣经的埃提阿伯人后(27-35节),他所处的地方就合理了。 当耶稣应许祂永不撇下我们时(马太福音28章20节;希伯来书13章5节),祂所指的是包括苦难和安乐的时候。我们在困境中,最重要的是继续工作与服事,当记得这一切都是为了上帝,接着我们就等待上帝的作为,以成就祂的旨意。 你正处于困境中吗?寻求上帝,看看祂要如何塑造你,藉着你在那里成就什么事。 失望中有祂安排, 好处祂从不保留; 祂那述不尽的爱, 常在否定答案中。 Young 别问为什么,只须相信凡事有上帝的美意。
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 04:53:10 +0000

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