A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists by William - TopicsExpress


A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists by William Whitaker ow.ly/BxuEc. ow.ly/yq2t5 The Bibles Providential Preservation (1/4), Textus Receptus (TR), Masoretic Text (MT), King James Version (KJV), & Other Versions by Dr. Steven Dilday (free MP3) puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/ The Bibles Providential Preservation (2/4), Textus Receptus (TR), Masoretic Text (MT), King James Version (KJV), & Other Versions by Dr. Steven Dilday (free MP3) puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/ The Bibles Providential Preservation (3/4), Textus Receptus (TR), Masoretic Text (MT), King James Version (KJV), & Other Versions by Dr. Steven Dilday (free MP3) puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/ The Bibles Providential Preservation (4/4), Textus Receptus (TR), Masoretic Text (MT), King James Version (KJV), & Other Versions by Dr. Steven Dilday (free MP3) puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/ The Puritan Hard Drive is a remarkable accomplishment! It presents an historic and singular opportunity. The common Christian can now have a world-class Presbyterian and Reformed library at his fingertips, for only pennies per volume. The works on the Puritan Hard Drive have been invaluable to me in sermon preparation and in improving personal and familial piety. If these had been the only blessings attached to the reading of these documents, the expense (even if it had been much greater) would have been justified; but there is more here. The best books on these subjects have not been readily available; but (thanks be to God) they are available again on the Puritan Hard Drive. For anyone interested in recovering our Presbyterian and Reformed past, the Puritan Hard Drive is a must. It is my hope and prayer that the Puritan Hard Drive will be used by God to bring to light the things that were hidden, to call to remembrance the things that were forgotten. - Dr. Steven Dilday, Pastor of Liberty and Grace Reformed Church in Northern Virginia, President of The Matthew Poole Project, Seminary Professor, Author, Publisher, Founder of Liberty and Grace Reformed Theological Seminary. Dr. Dilday is currently translating (from Latin to English) the Synopsis written by the Puritan Divine, Matthew Poole. This project when completed will consist of approximately 82 volumes. ow.ly/fPY4o For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven. - Psalm 119:89 (KJV) ow.ly/yq2FV ow.ly/yq2FV DIVINE INSPIRATION & INERRANCY OF THE BIBLE (FREE RESOURCES) BY PINK, PRICE, JACOMBE (FREE MP3S), THE WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH (QUOTE), BANNERMAN, GIRARDEAU, GAUSSEN, DICK & ALEXANDER (BOOKS) ow.ly/yq2FV The authority of the Holy Scripture, for which it ought to be believed, and obeyed, depends not upon the testimony of any man, or Church; but wholly upon God (who is truth itself) the author thereof: and therefore it is to be received, because it is the Word of God. - The Westminster Confession of Faith 1:4 (Original Edition), Of the Holy Scripture, ow.ly/yq2FV If you want to understand Reformed theology the Puritan Hard Drive is unsurpassed, outside the Bible itself. - Pastor Greg Price (Covenanter) bit.ly/ci3g2z. Puritan Sermons 1659-89, Vol. 5, #4: The Divine Authority of the Scripture (Biblical Inerrancy and Infallibility) by Samuel Jacombe (Free MP3, ow.ly/yq2FV) ow.ly/yq27u The Divine Inspiration of the Bible by A.W. Pink, Price, Jacombe (Free MP3s), The Westminster Confession of Faith (Quote), Bannerman, Girardeau, Gaussen, Dick & Alexander (Books) ow.ly/yq27u Inspiration: The Infallible Truth and Divine Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1865) by James Bannerman (Digital Download, SWRB PDF) ow.ly/yq2jD The Protestant View of the Inspiration and Authority of Scripture by John Girardeau (Digital Download, SWRB PDF) ow.ly/yq2jD Theopneustia: The Plenary Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (1854) by L. Gaussen (Digital Download, SWRB PDF) ow.ly/yq2jD The most comprehensive collection of Puritan works I have ever seen. - Pastor David Petrie (TNARS) on the Puritan Hard Drive. An Essay on the Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures (1840) by John Dick (Digital Download, SWRB PDF) ow.ly/yq2jD Wow! Im impressed! The material Ive read so far has literally changed my life. My heart burned within me as I discovered truths from hundreds of years ago. - Phil Gibson, South Wales, UK (Pastor, Missionary, etc.) on the Puritan Hard Drive bit.ly/ci3g2z. Evidences of the Authenticity, Inspiration, and Canonical Authority of the Holy Scriptures (1838) by Archibald Alexander (Digital Download, SWRB PDF) ow.ly/yq2jD The Bibles Providential Preservation ow.ly/yq2jD The Puritan Hard Drive is the must have digital learning device for Puritan and Reformed studies. - Pastor W.J. Mencarow bit.ly/ci3g2z. Christianity is the religion of a Book. Christianity is based upon the impregnable rock of Holy Scripture. The starting point of all doctrinal discussion must be the Bible. Upon the foundation of the Divine inspiration of the Bible stands or falls the entire edifice of Christian truth. If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Ps. 11:3). Eirenopoios, Christ the Settlement of Unsettled Times by Jeremiah Whitaker puritandownloads/eirenopoios-christ-the-settlement-of-unsettled-times-by-jeremiah-whitaker/ _____ Surrender the dogma of verbal inspiration and you are left like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea -- at the mercy of every wind that blows. Deny that the Bible is, without any qualifications, the very Word of God, and you are left without any ultimate standard of measurement and without any supreme authority. It is useless to discuss any doctrine taught by the Bible until you are prepared to acknowledge, unreservedly, that the Bible is the final court of appeal. Grant that the Bible is a Divine revelation and communication of Gods own mind and will to men, and you have a fixed starting point from which advance can be made into the domain of truth. Grant that the Bible is inerrant and infallible and you reach the place where study of its contents is both practicable and profitable. It is impossible to over-estimate the importance of the doctrine of the Divine inspiration of Scripture. This is the strategic center of Christian theology, and must be defended at all costs. - A.W. Pink, Introduction to The Divine Inspiration of the Bible, ow.ly/yq27u _____ Sola Scriptura by Greg Price (Free MP3) puritandownloads/the-divine-inspiration-of-the-bible-by-a-w-pink-price-jacombe-free-mp3s-the-westminster-confession-of-faith-quote-bannerman-girardeau-gaussen-dick-alexander-books/ _____ John Owen On Gods Providential Preservation of His Word (the Holy Bible) puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/ The sum of what I am pleading for, as to the particular head to be vindicated, is, that as the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were immediately and entirely given out by God Him self, His mind being in them represented unto us without the least interveniency (intervention - ed.) of such mediums and ways as were capable of giving change or alteration to the least iota or syllable; so, by His good and merciful providential dispensation, in His love to His Word and church, His whole Word, as first given out by Him, is preserved unto us entire in the original languages; where, shining in its own beauty and lustre (as also in all translations, so far as they faithfully represent the originals), it manifests and evidences unto the consciences of men, without other foreign help or assistance, its divine original and authority. - John Owen, The Works of John Owen (The Banner of Truth Trust, 1979), XVI:349-350 (puritandownloads/the-bibles-providential-preservation/). _____ The Bibles Providential Preservation (Free Reformation Resources) ow.ly/yq2QD The Application of Scripture: A Biblical Refutation of Dispensationalism by A. W. Pink puritandownloads/the-application-of-scripture-a-biblical-refutation-of-dispensationalism-by-a-w-pink/ _____ A Disputation on Holy Scripture, Against the Papists by William Whitaker puritandownloads/a-disputation-on-holy-scripture-against-the-papists-by-william-whitaker/ In this book we find the following six main chapters: * Of the number of the Canonical Books of Scripture * Of the Authentic Edition and Versions of the Scriptures * Of the Authority of Scripture * Of the Perspicuity of Scripture * Of the Interpretation of Scripture * Of the Perfection of Scripture, against Unwritten Traditions ...as well as Whitakers Preface to the Controversies, Delivered to the Audience at Cambridge. Whitakers masterwork, refuting some of the best the Jesuits had to offer (in upholding their Romish heresies attacking the Word of God), may even be more valuable in our day than when it was first written -- as many Protestants are unaware of the historic Protestant position on Scripture (witness the lack of response described by Scott Hahn), or worse, are already on the way back to Rome (on this and other vital points). Furthermore, Larry Birger comments, ...its wonderful. He is absolutely thrashing the Papists, tying them in knots with not only the Scriptures, but the writings of the Church fathers (Jerome is devastating on the issue of the Apocrypha) and the Papists themselves (e.g., Cajetan, John Driedo, Melchior Canus, Sixtus Senensis). This is a first-rate classic on some of the most foundational teaching of the Faith, not to be missed by the serious Christian, the scholar or anyone (including those presently trapped in Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth [i.e. Roman Catholic Church], Rev. 17:5) seeking ultimate truth. 728 pages, indexed; crystal-clear print. puritandownloads/a-disputation-on-holy-scripture-against-the-papists-by-william-whitaker/ _____ ow.ly/y0HWI Scintillating Discussion/Debate: Two Christian Heavyweights, Dr. James White and Dr. Richard Howe, Discuss Apologetic Methodology, the Bahnsen/Stein and Bahnsen/Sproul Debates, Calvinism, Islam, Justification, Sola Scriptura, Roman Catholicism ow.ly/y0HWI The free online resources below will also help focus and sober the mind about the things of eternity: Horrifying & Terrifying Death Bed Scenes Of Atheists, Apostates, Hypocrites & Reprobates (Free Christian MP3s, Videos, Books) puritandownloads/horrifying-terrifying-death-bed-scenes-of-atheists-apostates-hypocrites-reprobates-free-christian-mp3s-videos-books/ The Deathbed Of A Free-Thinker and Other Apostates Reprobates and Atheists (Free MP3s) puritandownloads/the-deathbed-of-a-free-thinker-and-other-apostates-reprobates-and-atheists-free-mp3s/ Hell: Unimaginable & Unending Torments, Pain, etc. By Dr. Curt Daniel, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Washer, Charles Spurgeon & Others (Free MP3s) puritandownloads/hell-unimaginable-unending-torments-pain-etc-by-dr-curt-daniel-jonathan-edwards-paul-washer-charles-spurgeon-others-free-mp3s/ Gods Sovereignty, Calvinism, Reprobation, How God Hardens the Heart Of Reprobates, Romans 9, etc. by Dr. Steven Dilday, Jonathan Edwards, Greg Price, John Calvin, Dr. R.C. 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Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 15:00:02 +0000

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