A Dream with in a Dream I saw the girl of my dreams, but - TopicsExpress


A Dream with in a Dream I saw the girl of my dreams, but something was so unclear about her As if it was ghostly she seemed unreal, all I could feel was this heart wrenching pain that was void of feeling, but full of curiosity but still trying to avoid the killing words of I LOVE YOU to escape my lips before i find my self drowning in the thought that i stood a chance with her, secretly wanting to find away out of what seem to be a dream hoping that if I wake she will still be here, as I come back to reality i took to long to respond and she has already passed me, so i stare as if MY vision was failing me, crying out GOD how can this be!? Wanda, Stacy, Vanessa i couldnt stop chasing the thought of what her name could be, but still wishing & CHASING after what is only a dream, she seemed to be as they say the cream of the crop. She was 55 and had a soft skin complexion that resembled the sun. hair blew slightly in the wind like a angel floating down from heaven, her glow seen across the nation. But as i came back to reality she was gone, the cab drove off and i was late for work, running& thinking....RUNNING....RUNNING...RUN.. RUN....RUN, AS FAST AS I COULD.........STOP I had too because i realized that the cab that drove off had my wallet and keys in it. the CAB # was 1...2....1..5...4 i think but was this retaliation or a sign of desperation could this actually mean- I chase after things that dont seem, real but though i think that i have goten closer to finding the cab the cab was actually THE SYMBOL FOR things i continue to chase and hide inside of each other like the keys and wallet- the wallet was really my heart and the keys where what i disgaurded a long time ago because the way I went through different type of relationships, I went through highs and lows and endured the most hard times but though i felt down i also had great times especially the time when I finally found that thing called L.O.V.E (in sign language)....How did I Get to this place of dispare so far from love where only the song of joy could bring me so much happiness but when the song stops I .... (sigh).... Its a reality check back into this world where pain and hurt comes from, where people are so miss understood and treated as third class citizens, i feel as though theres..... theres..... something.... else that can lead to such hope and greatness for the people of this world; as i travel towards success i realize that i have to leave behind those that dont mean me ANY Good, thats why I stood up for myself when I let them, try to walk all over me the first few times but i refused to let Shawn and his friends ridicule me. So i got even by calling his new room mate steven, i told him he fights dirty he will be bobing and weaven. Poor Shawn did not know what was comming, so i got the last laugh as we parted ways that day. I heard that steven gave him a thumping that he would never forgett. but still i felt, like more needed to be done to get my point across to him and his friends. I went to the painters - rus and then went to their houses and threw red paint all over Steves white carpet and blamed shawn for it. It was believable because Shawn and Steve have been best friends since middle school. The day before they had his wife baby shower, finally I felt at peace with what I had created. I think to myself with the dream and the girl and the cab I thought was there with the wallet and keys all ties together. I finally realized I need some professional Help, So i turn to Angie. Angie was a good family psychologist who dealt with most of my issues before. She just loved to hear my problems, and i just disliked the way that she would give me feed back. She always pries and she stares at me as she is judging me. I layed on her sofa and told her what was going on, with the dream and me feeling like I am the only one of my own type of team, and everything just seemed to be going wrong. She just looked at me and then wrote some notes in her notebook. I thought to my self man she probaly thinks that shes better then me, and she thinks that im very delusional, but yet i have my masters degree in business management. How...... How...... could i find my self ever turning back into the guy that believed in his dreams and goals and destiny the guy that everyone knew that struck it Big. I know what it felt like to leave with nothing to be nothing and then to succeed. The feeling of falling into failure and becoming what I have become a costume too! Could have been due to the war that made me upset because i felt as though i served my country and i shouldnt have had to struggle in order to make it when i got back. I felt as though the nation owed me one, but still nothing I do or say to myself could convenience me that The check was enough they gave me for what I did..... What I did was and will be unforgettable, CArl-my thoughts are interrupter ed by my anoying psychologist that always believes that she knows best. Huh.... she doesnt know anything at all and infact i think that her methods or redundent, but yet she looks so....... um...... so..... beautiful. To bad they have that doctor, patient no dating policy. I guess after she gets done talking i could go ahead and pay the extra $100.00 for another hour after all its just me and the four walls at home!!! Anything else Mr. Carl-No, thats all I wanted.....Thank GOD I sigh to myself, and I walk Carl out.... man that guy stares at me so awkwardly as i listen to him baffle about his delusional stories.... he probaly thinks that i like him or something.... he always pays for extra sessions. Aw man..... Im running late for my TEACHER PARENTS CONFERENCE WITH jEREMY MY SON, again caught in the bathroom smoking and skipping class, what happen to my little boy, just because hes 16 he think he needs to be popular with the wrong crowd. I keep telling him that in order to be successful that he needs to stop acting as though he does not come from a good home. He gets As and Bs in school no Cs, Ds or Fs..... I dont understand..... I just dont understand how... or where things are going wrong. She doesnt get me!!! she never will...Her and the teacher discuss my behavior out burst and want to know whats wrong.. Ill tell you whats wrong im tired of living in lies my, father is a Lawyer and my mother is a psychologist that thinks that she knows how to diesect people problems. They have this standard that im suppose to meet and how im suppose to act and dress. Its like... like... like... uhhhhh, they want me to be a robot programed to act and feel a certain way. I just feel So; Traped and I need to escape from this life, I am an artist and I paint dreams and I do work of arts thats indescribable-is it weird to feel like a dream is actually a reality? I paint and sketch a pic of this Girl every night she reminds me of and Angel who floated down from heaven where have I seen her before! She stands about 55, hair so bright can been seen across the nation. She so... so... so real but i feal that i cant tell my mother because she will think that something wrong with me. My father would just polotic to me and tell me that being a painter will amount to nothing, youll need to become a doctor or a lawyer to be successful. But this woman she... she.... she... is real i saw her the other day as she passed by me on the bridge. I stalked her for a few blocks hopeing that she did not see me and lost her once she got into a cab. the cab number was 1...2....1..5...4 i think. On the way down here to my moms office I bump into this guy and was able to get his wallet and keys out of his pocket.....He was just standing there gazing into the street in the same direction as the cab..I am sure he didnt notice me after all New York time square is always crowed....Carl DeShawn Willis...hmm.. I wonder is that that patient that my mom always talks about that pays for extra sessions. Hi, Mrs. Low, wheres Mr. Low at? He was unable to come today because he has to work late tonight Ms. Jones. Oh.. ok well your son is extrodinary, but he lacks the ability to be... how can I put this.... jEREMY is not willing to preticipate in class. His grades are out standing... he is very, very creative but his will to interact with others is not as great. I feel as though his social skills could use a touch up. Hes hanging with teddy and mike whos... how should i say ... not the best influence for someone of jeremys stature. i strongly encourage you & his father to sit down and talk with Jeremy to see what the actuall problem is, now with his current behavior in play I am afraid that we will have to move him to a different class room away from the other young men.. Now We also have a sub coming in on monday so hopefully he straightens up over the weekend and alittle bit and want be to much trouble for the sub. As I sit there in my seat counting the mins and secs on the clock as she continues to baffle on and on and on and on! I think to my self how am I going to spend the weekend. I think that i want to sleep the weekend away and not have to worry about the sub. But.... what if .... naw it wouldnt be possable.... what if the sub was the lady of my dreams.... what if she was mean and i would have to deal with her... ill put chalk all over the seat and teach her a lesson. I think that im going to hang out with Teddy and Mike for the weekend. Jeremy.... JERemy..... JEREMY.... uh yes mom... You are not going any where for the weekend because your not paying attention, as we are trying to help you. Thank you Ms. Jones... your welcome... Lets go Jeremy.. Wow funny seeing you here..... lol... Carl.. wow what are you doing here? I have a meeting with Ms. Jones about my son Teddy. Do you know each other... YEAH, Ms. Jones, Mrs. Lows and I are friends. Well actually Ms. Jones, hes my patient. Oh ok! And YOUR SON IS TEDDY. Why yes hes my son, why? I rushed down here ASAP as soon as I heard their was a problem and I would have taken a taxi but I actually did loose my wallet after thinking I was imagining it, But whats going on? I sink down into my seat and Kind of hide my face just in case he does remember me...Well CArl your son has been a bad influence towards Jeremy ANd I just want to go ahead and adress this before it spins out of control. While of course I couldnt Agree more Angie, in fact I will be able to keep an eye on both of the boys since I start to be the sub on Monday. It would be a great thing to ensure nothing else continues. I could have died when he said those words...Mom finished talking to The counselor and I slipped into the hallway, hey Ted is your dad really going to be the sub on Monday. UH.. what.... I said is your dad going to sub on Monday. Oh yeah, unfortunatly he will be. Jeremy its time to go. Yeah ok, mom, Ill see you monday Ted... What, yeah... see you. Jeez that kid is so anoying, he thinks that me and him are cool but hes just so goalable. Ted you can come in now... Ok Ms. Jones. Its nice to see that you could join us. Now Mr. Carl your son is..... (sigh) is very diruptive during class, he skips and has a C average, Im very suprise that he is not failing. He smokes on the campus and he tries to bully and misuse other kids. Something needs to be done or he will be suspended for a week. I will take care of that Ms. Jones. Lets go Teddy. Man these people act as though they understand me. I act out because my father chases other women and spends little time with me and more with his business. My father is a very sucessful business owner but spends little to no time with me. I would ask to see a psychologist but.... well ... I see how my dad spends alot of time with one.... Id rather not. Im going to see my mom at the lawfirm.... she should still be working late. I get there to her lawfirm and take the elevator all the way to the 62nd floor. On the way up i couldnt help but think about what the counselor was telling my dad how I have been and how things have been going and i drift off into the negativity.....Young men are you getting off, I hear a voice say, a rather stocky fellow in a black pin strip suit, bold head and pointed toe shoes said as he throws his jacket across his arms which seem to be bigger then my head.... I didnt answer I pushed off the back wall of the elevator and got off as he got on. We connected eyes and His cologne shamed the hallway like a trail. As i slowly went further down the hallway i noticed that the floor was empty and i hear my mother comotioning at the end of the hallway. As i turn the corner i see my mother fastening her top 2 buttons. Mother... as i called to her.... she seemed startled. She replied hey-ey.. Jeremy what are you doing her so late. As i got ready to open my mouth... she said, where is your father? That man can think of know one but himself. As i sat there and heard my mother complain, i just thought to my self wow... how can you say that your such a hypacrite. Tedy... Tedy... Tedy, Yes mother... Did you hear me.. no, maam. Im getting ready to take you home to your fathers house... and i hope that hes there. Well actually mother I.. I ... what is it... I feel as though id rather live with you than my father.(laughter) Weve been over this before your dad has custody of you and BESIDES she says loudly to make sure i understand what she is about to say; You need him in your life, a male figure in your life, A man that will guide you and end up like your brother.... My brother... what do you mean my brother... the one that gets all the attention because he graduated with his doctarates in business management and asdvertising and he works for google. You wouldnt be refering to James now would you. Besides what where you doing working late at the office i thought that your wherent going to pull any more late shifts. Yes your brother James that one, all of that and still in a relationship with that men, I quickly interrupted her and said its his room mate.....She stared at me and pointed out the door and said MARCH young men......I was very recluctant as my father stood at the door grinning at my mother, i felt as though they would never unsderstand each other. My mother is always staying late after work and my father ... uh.... he just lost in his own obsession of drinking and women. I know that its wrong to feel that way about my parents, but i feel as though i have been neglected. Jeremy.... Jeremy.... Hey Jeremy Ill see you this weekend. yeah... Ok... mom. He almost caught me!!!!! Jeremy.. Jeremy... yeah dad... Why did your mother have to bring you home you where suppose to be here an hour ago..... what happened. Why should i tell you its not like you care are you would have called my cell along time ago. You will not talk.... I will not do what.... just as i thought your drunk, how can you be so successful but end up so drunk and a terrible father . You know Jeremy I havent... ( Carl sighs and tries to reach out to touch Jermeys shoulder.) I havent always been the best dad are the most influential to you but i will make it up. Well sometimes its to late to try to make up for the past. Angie... Angie yes! David what do you want and why are you comming home so late.. Well I.. ( David reaches behind his head to scratch as he looks guilty of something.) I had to pull some overtime for a case that i was working on. Uh... huh ( Angie replied) Well I ran into this kid as i was getting on the elevator to leave, and as he looked puzzled about some things. I wanted to ask him was he alright but it was time for me to go. Well your son jeremy is doing well in school but he has this friend who is how can i say this not the best influence on him. Sometimes I think that we set our standards for our son a little high. Non sense ( David chuckles.) setting high expectations for Teddy will ensure that he will be the best in what ever he does. I believe that if we push him to hard that he well despise us and i am not willing to lose my son to your... your... incompatince. My incompatance (hugh) your so holarious, No seriously David you think that every things a joke. Well how about the case I understand from a mutual friend that you will not be able to convict MR. Downly because of the lack of evidence. How Do you know that Sara, I.. I read some of your notes and by the looks of it your case will be unable stand up in court for long. I wish that you would stay out of my notes (David walked away). Jeremy... Jeremy where are you going? What mom? I said where are you giong? Oh yeah about that mom (Jeremy scratches his head while grabbing for his coat) im going to skate ring tonight. I thought I told you that you were not to go anywhere this week. You told me that I could last week, so that means that youre a liar. (Sara sighed) you know what, enjoy your self because you will be in for the rest of the weekend. Thats a deal mom (Jeremy reached up to kiss his mom good bye.) Yeah a great mom (Sahra sighed to her self as she headed for bed.) 4 HOURS LATER Ring.... Ring... Ring... Hel-lo is this Mrs.low yes may I ask whos calling? This is Detective Moore with the New York Police. (Sara sat up in here bed and reached over for David) Ok. Well maam do you have son by the name of Jeremy Low. Yes, Well your son was leaving from the skate ring with a young man by the name of Teddy Jones, ( Sara thought to herself Teddy and then it dawned on her that it was Carls son) Yes. Well as they were leaving the skate ring they were trying to show off for a lady and Teddy pushed Jeremy into on coming traffic. (Sara hugged David tightly) is he ok. Well maam he died on impact. (David grabbed the phone) hello, My name is David Low sir, what seems to be the problem. Well your son is diseased, he was playing with another young gentleman who pushed him into on coming traffic. They were showing off for a young lady. (David started to cry) Did they find the young lady to see if they knew her. No, thats the thing nobody knows where she went to after the incident, and Teddy ( David replied). Well he is in our custody but he has not been charged with anything just yet because it was an accident but he will be released at the end of the night.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 14:18:31 +0000

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