A FEW SIMPLE GUIDE BEFORE JOINING ANY MLM COMPANY: 1. Is the company legal to do business? If product based, do they have FDA approval? If service such as Telco and Communications company, do they have an NTC or Congressional Franchise? GET A COPY OF THEIR LICENSE. Without any of these, then its a red flag. Most will promise you that they are in the process of getting it so just sign up now to be on top...Thats BS...Ask them when will they get their license and let them sign a money back guarantee if they dont meet their commitment. 2. Google the leaders and check their background. Have they joined in so many MLM companies within the year...A so called WHATS THE FLAVOR OF THE MONTH...Junkies that goes from one company to another. Mind you that there are some legitimate reason why they leave, but check it out thoroughly. The internet now carry so many files on companies and people so no one can hide anymore. Will you join a team with credibility issues...that so many legitimate complaints about a person? As the saying goes, when theres smoke, theres usually a fire. 3. Be wary of FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT PEOPLE... So many out there that focuses in money and come across as successful and yet they are flat broke and some are looking for them. If anyone cross recruit..thats the worse of kind or person...because it shows their true color,. LETS FOCUS IN THE INTEGRITY SIDE. 4, Last but not the least, any MLM company you plan to join is and will never be a walk in the park. EVERYONE STILL NEED TO WORK HARD and put in the effort...NO SUCH THING AS JOIN NOW TO BE ON THE TOP...and make more money than anyone. GREED...means WANTING SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.... Lets keep our industry clean and expose the FAKES because all of us will get hurt if we dont....THE TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT. God bless to all the honest and hard working MLMrs out there.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:25:44 +0000

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