|| A FIERCE DUEL || Ibn Ishaq related that Amr ibn Abd Wudd had - TopicsExpress


|| A FIERCE DUEL || Ibn Ishaq related that Amr ibn Abd Wudd had fought in the battle of Badr and he had sustained injuries which prevented him from partaking in the Battle of Uhud. Thus, at the Battle of Khandaq, he marched forth intending to make a mark of his distinguished position as a seasoned warrior. When he and his calvary halted, he challenged anyone to a duel. He was covered in armor when he stepped forward and called: “Who will fight me?” Ali bin Abi Talib (radiallaahu anhu) stood up and said: “I shall accept the challenge, O Messenger of Allaah Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “That is Amr ibn Abd Wudd . Be seated.” Amr then called out again saying: “Is there anybody to fight me?” He then started making fun of the Muslims by saying: “Where is that Jannah of yours about which you claim that anyone killed from you will enter? Can you not send even one man to fight me?” Ali again stood up and volunteered for the task. However, Prophet again told him to be seated. When Amr pronounced his challenge for the third time and also recited some poetry, Ali got up and said, “0 Messenger of Allaah I shall do it.” "But that is Amr," cautioned Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) Ali said, ”(I am prepared to fight) Even though it is Amr.” With the permission of the Prophet, Ali walked towards Amr. Ali said to Amr: “O Amr, remember you used to swear that no Quraishi will invite you to one of two alternatives except that you will choose one.” Ame replied: “Yes, that is correct.” Ali said: “Then I am inviting you to Allaah, His Messenger and to Islaam.” Amr said: “I am in no need of that.” Ali said: “Then I am inviting you to a combat.” Amr asked: “Who are you?” Ali replied: “I am Ali.” Amr asked: “The son of Abd Manaaf?” Ali replied: “I am Ali the son of Abu Talib.” Amr said, “Dear nephew! Have your any uncles who are elder than you, (rather send them to fight me) for I do not like to spill your blood.” Ali remarked: “However,I swear by Allaah that I would love to spill your blood.” This affront enraged Amr. He hopped down from his horse, hamstrung it and hit its face, then he approached Ali menacingly. Ali faced him with his leather shield. Amr struck the shield with such force that the sword cut right through it and injured Ali’s head. Ali then struck an artery of Amr’s shoulder so forcefully that Amr fell to the ground. Dust then began to fly. Ali succeeded in killing him, radiAllaahu anhu. Then Ali withdrew towards the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa salaam), his face radiating with happiness. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (radiAllaahu anhu) said to him: “Why did you not dispossess him of his armor; no Arab has better armor than his.” Ali said: “I broke it and his nakedness became exposed to me so I became shy of stripping him.” Seeing their man fall, his calvary beat a quick retreat across the trench. [Related in Al-Baihaqi in Ad-Dala’il (3/438-439), as quoted in Bidayah Wan Nihayah (Vol 4. pg. 106)]
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 08:37:42 +0000

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