A FRIEND OF MINE SAID SOMETHING ABOUT COMMITMENT Are you committed? Keys to a better marriage: Your keys today, are you committed? He said , he often think this is one of the most ..powerful of all keys. You don’t always have to feel love to be committed to one another but being totally committed to one another will actually generate love. He said he know that sounds a little like a contradiction. He can tell you in all the years of his marriage that he had he did not always feel overly loving towards his spouse all the time but he can tell you they both were totally committed to making their marriage work and figuring it all out as they went along. That commitment helped us to get over all the challenging canyons and mountains that appeared in our path. They both knew that no matter what they were there for one another. When you have that kind of commitment from and for one another it helps you feel like you can conquer the world. With time and years of seasoning and discovery he found he was not just committed to his wife but he was also totally in love with this partner that stood by him through the best and worst life had to throw at them. So over the years their commitment and love intertwined to the point where they could not see one without the other. When you take this key and make a total 100% commitment to one another as part of the package I believe you will find that there is nothing you two will not be able to make it through as you walk this journey hand in
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:57:51 +0000

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