A Fan’s Story of MN and SD *Reposting Robin’s story~ - TopicsExpress


A Fan’s Story of MN and SD *Reposting Robin’s story~ Minneapolis and Sioux Falls* Pics below credit:Joanie Minneapolis and Sioux Falls Robin shares her roadtrip stories with her David Archuleta buds. They had fun chatting with Mike, Dave and Ashlee. Good times! I hope this doesn’t become a book but it is for two awesome front row concerts! Shelley is a great ticket getter and so artfully convinced me that we needed to go to Minneapolis “ on our way “ to South Dakota!! The front row tickets to the solo concert at Sioux Falls were way too hard to resist!! However 2 weeks (to the day) before she calls me at work and says its only 4 hours to Minneapolis from Sioux Falls we should go to that one. Funds are limited but she said if she gets VIP I can pay her next month. What could I say!! Go for it. By the time she got back on the computer VIP was closed L. Oh well its still only 4 hours so lets do it. We David fans really need our arms twisted!! On Thursday Aug 6th we leave not exactly right after Shelley gets off work!( she gets off at 4:30 and we leave after 7 pm) We finally arrive in Minneapolis shortly before midnight on Fri. the 7th after looking for a taco bell for an hour and a half , getting a speeding ticket, and braving the pouring rain and construction while entering Minneapolis! Several circles around downtown and finally a phone call to the hotel we arrive at the hotel across from the venue!!! There was a bus out front!!! Only it was Demi’s bus L ! We still don’t have concert tickets so Shelley goes across the street to the venue to see what she can find .but it is closed. We go back at noon but still closed so we call and find out it opens at 3pm. We have an fod gathering at 2 pm so what to do until then. We walk around the venue to get an idea where the bus might be later and then we see the bus. David either wasn’t on it or already got off because we never saw him. The bus backed up to its spot for the duration where we met Sarah and her Mom. They had tickets but wanted better ones and we still had no tickets! Her husband was at home scoping Ticketmaster. We had Shelley’s 9 yr old daughter ( is she really 9 or 13!) who needed something to hold her over till our get together so she went back across the street.Your browser may not support display of this image. While she was gone a security lady came our way and Sarah’s Mom and I thought she was going to chase us away but instead she had tickets to give away!! What a nice lady!! She gave me 4 tickets incase we couldn’t get better ones. Wow!!! All of a sudden Sarah’s Mom said her hubby got them front row on Ticketmaster!! Shelley returns and calls ticketmaster. In the meantime Dave was out and about and chatted for a bit. He came back and asked when the box office opened and I said 3pm. He said he had some friends coming. I told him we were working on front row tickets and if we got them I would give him the tickets that were given to us. The awesome Shelley has succeeded! Score!!! Front row tickets!! Whoo hoo!! I ran over to Dave and gave him my tickets and he was happy and gave me hug!! I said this is a switch, a fan giving the band tickets! See ya later and off we went back to the hotel to get ready for our FOD get together!! Meeting the people behind the screen name was awesome!!! Your browser may not support display of this image. It was time for the VIPers to go and us sad non VIPers to go do something else. We had a little shopping to do then it was time!! We went to our front row seats and they were perfect!! Since they release these seats after Demi VIPs are not sold there were several Demi fans near us. We said we were David fans . I had ZG gift certificates and said after his set if they liked it I would give them the ZG download. During this time a down syndrome young man came to the railing in a Demi shirt. His Mom was trying to get him to his seat but he said he wanted to touch her hand because that is what you are supposed to do. I told him Demi wasn’t up yet. Others would perform first. This appeased him. Shelley said after David and her daughter hears a couple of Demi songs lets give our seats to them. Great idea Shelley!!! I told them and they were so happy. His mom said that was his dream!!! Jordan Pruitt started us off and she was good!! Looked a bit like Brittney when she was younger. I would buy her music. Then it was time for the voice!! Craziness entailed. People ran up and got in front of us. I thought we were in a mosh pit!! They all loved David!! However we had front row not them. Luckily security after the 3rd song security removed all that did not have front row tickets. Finally on my 5th concert I got to touch David’s hand!! After that I let the young ones go for his hand ( he doesn’t want to touch this old farts hand)! I could tell he had changed things up to accommodate his voice after 2 days in the recording studio but that was the beauty of David!! He is such a pro. It was awesome!! Oh how he touches my heart!! All too fast he was waving goodbye!! So glad I still had SD to look forward to!! During intermission I gave out the ZG gift certificates. We were quizzing Shelly’s daughter Veronica on David. What is his brother’s name and many more questions that just shows we know way too much about David!! The Demi fans ask us if we know David personally lol!! Don’t we wish. Maybe just maybe our face might be familiar at best!! I try to explain our fansites and the fact that he is a good role model supporting many charities makes us determined to help him succeed!! Don’t know if I got through but the wheels were turning!!! Intermission is now over and Demi begins!! We stay seated so they can enjoy their star!! Shelley and I were not looking enthused lol! Just not my thing but the young girls were happy!! After the 3rd song Veronica decides that we can switch seats with the downdrome syndrome family so he can have his dream. That felt sooooo good! The security guy saw what we did and he smiled the itiest bit!! He was trying to be tough!! After a few more songs Veronica was finally ready to go!! We ran into Sutty on the concourse and she was worried about the tornado and her boys. We talked about VIP and she told us about OhMyGoshAshlee. I guess we talked too long cause when we went to the bus NorthernAngel said he just went in. he had been out for like 5 minutes chatting. Oh were we bummed. Tried to cheer up but it was really hard! From the hotel window we could see the bus. We figured David went to the concert but I couldn’t sleep as long as the bus was there. Finally a van pulls up which must have been David. The barriers are removed and at 2 am the bus leaves. Perfect view from the hotel window! I actually tweeted him to leave so I could sleep ( I am sure he never saw it!) . Sleep at last!! Planning to leave by 9 am for Sioux Falls so not much sleep time ahead. Sioux Falls The trip to Sioux Falls was delightfully uneventful!! I think we arrived around 2 pm and headed to the venue first. We drove around and saw the bus and other concert goers. Ofcourse we beeped the horn as our cheer!! Now to find the hotel ( that Shelley couldn’t remember the name) We saw the Holiday Inn and knew it was near there. Success our hotel was just one more block down! We checked in and got ready for the show and headed back to the venue. Since it was Sunday you didn’t have to pay the meters so we parked on the corner right by the bus! We talked for a minute with the security guy and he was very nice. He understood why we love David and said not to many celebrities goes to church before performing in their concert! Yup that’s our David! It is also a Science Center so we toured around it till it closed at 5pm. We came down the stairs in time to see Joanie (aka Sutty), Sierra, Rebekah (aka Northern Angel), and Anna, going to sit by the door to hear the sound check. We all gathered around and just enjoyed hearing David’s voice!! After we had just a short while to grab a bite so the 7 of us hit the street and walked to The Diner. It was fast but a pleasure to get to talk a bit and just get to know each other! By 7 pm we were in a fast walk back to the venue! When we got inside it was incredible. It looked like an opera house with balcony seats and all. Our seats were in the orchestra pit right beside Sutty and her daughter! There were no barriers between us and the stage. OMG!!!!! There was an empty seat beside Sutty but I didn’t really think about it right away. Sutty kept looking for Ashlee but the light just didn’t go off until I asked who was sitting in the empty seat. That’s when she told me Ashlee if she comes out. At first we were told that the band may do something to start the show but I guess it didn’t work and David came out sometime after 8pm with much chanting from the crowd! There he was right smack in front of me!! I got my hand touched again!! His face was flawless! Again he sang things a bit different to accommodate his vocal issues but it sounded just as great as if he didn’t have any issues at all. He is just so amazingly talented! At one point he looked over at Ashlee and I could tell he was holding back a laugh!! After that he didn’t look that way too much! The security people were starting to crack down on videos so we had to be very stealthy. In a little bit, I looked over and saw Ashlee is hugging Sutty and Sierra and poof she was gone! Next thing I know she was on stage with David!! They did a beautiful rendition of Lean On Me!! You could truly see the friendship in their faces and expressions!! David was fantastic!! I wanted to hear Desperate but I knew it was doubtful with his strained voice. It was no problem as he was amazing!!! He thanked us. He was so emotional whenever he talked. I just couldn’t believe I was there!! Then to finish me off he did palm to heart as he was leaving the stage! I had to really work hard at holding back the tears!! After we all gathered in the lobby and Mike and Dave came out. Dave remembered me right away and gave me another hug for giving him those tickets for his friends. I didn’t think they were the best tickets but he reassured me that they were fine. Everybody was getting pics with them so I got one too. Laura’s ( aka MyBrightside) husband took the photo for me.Your browser may not support display of this image. Great meeting them too!! I asked Mike if they had worked on any new songs for the album and he said they hadn’t had time and David could barely talk. I said maybe after the Alaska show they would have time. He said that they expect to be home for a while by Sept. 1st. Then Ashlee came out. It was great to talk to her!! She is so funny and sweet! Her favorite song on the cd is Works For Me because she said that describes David to a tee! She also said that at home before idol there were four of them that did Lean On Me, Her, Shontell, Jaimie, and David. She said the others knew about what key to be in but she never did so they would let her start and just followed her!! She said she didn’t know how David was going to end it so she just improvised until then! Rebekah asked if David ever did anything rebellious and she said no and if there was, she motioned the locking of her lips! She then mentioned during idol if you are a true friend you don’t sell your friend out for a few minutes of fame on TV. She is truly a good friend to David!! I am so very happy to have met her. By now poor Veronica was tired so we decided to go sit in the car and see if anybody came out by the bus. We knew with David’s voice it would doubtful. The security asked if we were leaving and we said not yet. Veronica was tired but we still had some friends inside and were waiting for them. Then I got a text but I didn’t know the number ( it was DFT!!) telling me we won breakout artist!! OMG I was jumping and Shelley was like WHAT??? I showed her my phone and we said we need to tell the others!! The sweet security guy volunteered to watch Veronica if she was too tired to go with us but she was too shy to stay. I just can’t believe there are nice people left like that! When we got to the front they were all coming outside so I told them and the screams well you could imagine!! Everybody wanted to tell David!! I was still trying to find out who the text was from! By the time I reached the group Ray was outside and had verified that David already knew. He was kind of trying to get us to leave. By then we were all tired and ready so it wasn’t a problem! I crossed the street to say bye to my new found friends under Ray’s ever watchful eye and then headed back to our car and we left full of smiles!! Later at the hotel we found out about the other 2 awards. What a great day!! We left around 10:30 the next morning and finally got home just after midnight! Tired but happy. The things we do for David!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 22:03:25 +0000

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