A “Fist Full of Dollars”? No… A Brush full of my own hair! - TopicsExpress


A “Fist Full of Dollars”? No… A Brush full of my own hair! This morning while getting myself ready to run an errand, when I started brushing my hair I couldn’t figure out why it was tangled more than usual until I grabbed a hand full of hair or four days’ worth of brushing from my blower brush and cringed! I was told that one of the side effects of the chemotherapy was the loss of hair, but like the last time, I was with so much hope that I wouldn’t lose any this time as well, but it looks like I am!! It devastates me too since it took me close to 3 years to get the great pony tail that I have, while it’s meaningful and representational of the Cherokee in me! I’ve tossed around the idea of a wig, but it would seem a bit much here since I am in a place where I’m known by too many fellow compound members, though it sure would help me to feel better while covering my head at the same time! I’ve worn wigs before, but while entertaining and making an average of $400.00 a weekend from Friday to Sunday at a bar in Pomona back in the mid 70’s. And that was when I was in my 20’s. I am still at wits end though and not sure how to deal with it if all my hair does fall out! I know I’ll be taking in my cap adjustment backs by quite a bit, while my belt barely keeps my pants up since I am now at 166 pounds as well! Too much happening at this time that has me perplexed! While at CTRC last week, I took the initiative to re-weigh myself on their scale and I dropped from 171 to 168 (with pants on, heavy belt buckle, boots, and change, plus [about 2#’s total]) in a matter of 5 days, which is not good! I thought I was putting weight back on, but am still quite weak, though pushing to keep going with some continued faith and hope! I took a trip to one of the local Wal-Mart Supercenter’s to get me some more Irish Spring soap (my favorite) as well as some additional food to eat since I found that I can still eat Chicken Nuggets, plus a gallon of milk, some buttermilk, and a treat of Eggnog, though it’s made with the chemical High Fructose Corn Syrup, and was again exhausted halfway through my shopping! I could barely wait until I got back to the compound in order to veg out and relax the rest of the day! On the same day I went to CTRC last Thursday to pick up some yarn that’s being given to me in order for me to make more gifts for others like myself, and abused children, I also had to go by a place called MARC or Medical Arts & Research Center for some tests in order to go in for surgery to have the Kidney Stone in me blasted with a laser, and that was as much a chore and tiring as well! But before I walked over to MARC, which would have been a lot closer, it was 12:00 noon and I was hungry while knowing that I need to eat as much as possible and as often as possible, so I opted to go to a Wendy’s for a Baked Potato and ended up ordering some Chicken Nuggets as well (I was that hungry, but with a shrunken stomach due to the lack of good food and quantify fed at Haven, I had only so much room). I also got me a Strawberry Tea, which was so nice as well! I got part of my Baked Potato down, though a bit dry for me, and 5 of the 10 Chicken Nuggets, then was full and brought the rest back to the compound! I then had the balance of the Chicken Nuggets and some more of the Baked Potato that evening, then the balance of the Baked Potato the following day with some Cottage Cheese and Sour Cream. It was all good, while they are all foods that I can eat, and as well will help me to add meat to my bones, so I hope! I am not sure what tomorrow’s going to bring, but since I’ve been taking some Nexium, my stomach’s been settling more and more, while allowing me to get a better night’s sleep, though I still wake about every two hours with chest pains from the Acid Reflux. Soon though I hope and pray that all will become a whole lot better for me!! It still takes me a long time when I have to walk somewhere, but I am not a candidate for a wheel chair! And while I may no longer be a whole person, I am still focused on driving myself back home to see my mother and call the Antelope Valley my home, then go from there! The new tentative date that my Case Manager and I have come up with is March, though my chemotherapy treatments will tell more since they had to be stopped in order for me to get the Kidney Stone removed, and will be continued around the end of October. I pray and hope that you are doing a lot better at this time than I am!!
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 23:24:31 +0000

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