A Free press is the pride of all Democracy. However, the fact that - TopicsExpress


A Free press is the pride of all Democracy. However, the fact that it is free and airs all opinion, does not mean that anybody can dream up vile and disgusting matter from their subconscious, put them in words and publish same as relevant material. Fejiro Oliver, a false name used to publish under Elombah, Messrs., Phillip Elombah and other men of their ilk, have symbiotically engaged in this nefarious act for a while. Using their reach in the social and other media, and some knowledge of plausible material which may jell with the conditions, they have knowingly fabricated and published contrived, untruthful, blackmail matter to our populace. They have willingly engaged in the wanton destruction of good men in our politics, for the right amount. It is a well known fact that Elombah was/is a paid agent and received, continues to receive stipends from an Ex-Governor. Last year, A man named - Tega Oghenedero, who published false news under the false name Fejiro Oliver, and Elombah persistently published negative figures on how other candidates except the current Governor Willie Obiano won elections in Anambra state. They were further paid to produce documents they dubbed secret, where the ruling party was said to have entered into a secret financial arrangement with their Governorship candidate. They were resoundingly rebuffed. Nemesis caught up with with Fejiro Oliver last month in Niger state, where he had gone to collect arranged blackmail money of N50 million naira, from the Niger State Government. The Secretary to the State Government (SSG), the Department of State Security (DSS), were not laughing when they arrested him at the Abuja Airport. Fejiro Oliver, was exposed for his real self, a tall scrawny busybody, who also moonlights as a cameraman for the NTA. Fejiro found it difficult to explain his mission to Minna, and was splitting hairs on Camera of what he regarded as blackmail. Pity Fejiro Oliver alias Tego Oghenedero, did not think he was engaged in blackmail, even when he had travelled from Asaba to Abuja to negotiate on a proposed fee he set with the Niger State Government. The Niger State Government made their intentions clear when they arrested him. Sorry, that a so-called Journalist should reduce themselves to explaining their sources and intent. From all indications, Fejiros intent was not for public good. We still await the supposed scoop he had on the Niger State Government. Elombah was rather quiet at the travails of his comrade in arms. Probable and plausible journalism is no journalism at all. It is important to understand that our publications are based on human beings who have dedicated their lives to represent certain opinions in the polity to the benefit of you, me, the electorate, and also for themselves. Nothing wrong with that. Elombah is back at it again with gutter, blackmail journalism regarding Our Governor - Willie Obiano, and the Fidelity Bank. We warn Elombah that Serial blackmail is not a business. It is that kind of business which destroys the soul and spirit of its proprietor, drying it of human essence. It is insidious gossip and desperation for the business of other people for a prize. It is sleaze, and catches up with its proprietors after a while. Elombah and his guys should find a good job. Blackmailing is not a job. It is a seedy business which robs its practitioners of their human spirit and finally renders them waste, and of public goodwill. Elombah should get back to the serious business of reporting what uplifts people, not tear them down. Nefarious journalism is no journalism at all. It is simply Opportunistic Journalism. The public good is not part of the calculation. Only self-promotion and gain. Elombah and Fejiro should apologize to the General Public and get out of here. Get a Good Job.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 19:29:56 +0000

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