A Funny and not so funny Life Lesson: Think before you de-friend - TopicsExpress


A Funny and not so funny Life Lesson: Think before you de-friend your son’s girlfriend on Facebook! My son is a man of few words…this can be good but in this case got me into trouble. What led up to this…my son met a very sweet girl two years ago in Navy Boot camp and they have been together ever since. She has been a good balance for my quiet son. Recently, he was deployed on a Nuclear Sub and her on an Air Craft Carrier. Now, as a mom I worry and in the back of my mind I was wondering if they could keep their relationship going for the next 4-6 years with not being able to see each other very often. She is a cute girl and is on a 95-98% male ship…whereas Terrence is on a 100% male sub. Hmm…so when he called me a few months ago and I asked how things were going he said, “O.k.”. Well, that is my son’s code word for crappy. He assured me he was o.k. but that he was not sure if things were going to work out. He really hoped they would. A few weeks pass by and I get a call from my son. He informs me that his girlfriend is stopping by the house with “Martin” to pick up her stuff. He said she needed her stuff because she is moving into an apartment with “Martin”! WTH!!!! I am trying to play it cool and not flip out. I asked if he was going to be o.k. and he said he was fine. That he was going to be o.k. and not to worry about him. Now, here is where I should have asked more questions!!! Instead, I told him I wanted him to be here when she showed up with Martin to get her stuff because I had no idea what things were his or hers. He said o.k. and then ended the call. Well, this momma was hopping mad…it had only been a few weeks and she was moving in with some man named Martin!!! I knew it you cannot trust someone who never takes a bad photo! I even decided to do my very first de-friend on Facebook too! Oh, I was a mad mamma for my son. When she showed up, Scott and I were civil but not nice. She was all smiles when she arrived and brought the kids a Lego to build with her while she waited for Terrence. I was glad she had the decency to not bring Martin but another girl from the ship. She was in a hurry to get back to base before curfew and hurried and loaded up her stuff and off she went. It was only after she left that I asked Terrence, “What happened to Martin coming?”. This was when he told me SHE…“Martin”… did come. WWHHHAAATTT!!! Martin what do you mean Martin is not a HE but a SHE!!! Oh yeah mom…don’t you know in the Navy you go by the last name. I am thinking…NO SON I DID NOT KNOW THIS…I am not in the navy…I am just in a lot of hot water! He then explained that he and his girlfriend were, “Fine”. I am thinking, Fine you say, oh my gosh…seriously, fine is the word you use for “not good” and apparently “we are still in love” too! Yeah mom, she is moving into an apartment with Martin near my base so she can be closer to me. That way when we happen to be on the mainland at the same time we can see each other. You think he could have elaborated this on the phone call or filled me in on the roommate being a girl. That boy is a not quite…limited facts…yes sir no sir kind of guy. Well, if you have any advice as to how to re-friend someone you rashly de-friended let me know! bing/videos/search?q=taylor+swift+never+getting+back+together&qpvt=taylor+swift+never+getting+back+together&FORM=VDRE
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:39:18 +0000

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