A GOD WINK FILLED DAY! This morning I needed to call a customer, - TopicsExpress


A GOD WINK FILLED DAY! This morning I needed to call a customer, but remembered he had asked me to read some chapters in the Bible weeks ago, but I didn’t and when he questioned me about it, I felt so terrible that I said before calling him again, I would get that reading done! I did and about an hour later, at my 12 pm appointment with God, the same chapter I had just read from the Bible showed up again: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” Next was me sneaking off to quietly post my post to my Facebook groups while at work (don’t tell my hubby/boss!) and when finished, I went to tumblr to see if God had any message for me there, but I found nothing that really touched me other than a post that said, “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” as that’s exactly what I try to encourage us to do in these posts that by focusing more on God in our thoughts we renew our minds from old ways of thinking. I then went back to work and another customer came to see me a few minutes later, and I had promised to send him an email but I would always forget and after finally sending it to him, I decided to browse through it myself and there was that very same verse again: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Then tonight when I got home, Blessing, our cook was very upset that my sister-in-law was coming to teach her how to cook a dish that my husband really likes. She complained that my sister in law is very critical and she wasn’t happy that she was coming to teach her! I said to her in life you will always have to deal with critical people, but you just do your best and leave the rest with God. I left her in the kitchen and went with the bubba boys (my 4 and 7 year olds) to our bedroom. I asked Emmie to have an appointment with God with me and he ran to get his daily devotional for boys that he loves! It doesn’t have dates, but numbers and he asked me to pick the number to read. I picked 22 and unbelievably that number 22 said, “Do your best and leave the rest with God.” I now say, “Do as much as you possibly can and leave the rest with God!” WE ROLL WITH GOD!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:35:34 +0000

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