A GOOD LEADER IS THE ONE THAT STEPS ON YOUR TOES WITHOUT MESSING UP YOUR SHOE SHINE – JOHN C. MAXWELL Leader’s decisions and actions would never be equally accepted by all, yet true leadership makes decision and actions that are generally beneficial to all, you might not like it yet on the long run it represents your interest. With the crop of those that exalt themselves as leaders within our society, in government, church, schools, offices market and every other aspect of our social life there are little among them that truly possess leader treats. Leaders are servants, they represent your interest, they go before you to lead the way while you follow, in danger they stand out for you, and at peace they watch over you. This is direct opposite of what our society has turned into. Our leaders are emperors, they are point out the way to follow yet they turned the other way, in danger they guide themselves with heavy duty personnel’s and sophiscated perimeters, while you are left at the mercy of your adversaries. It is time we all advocate for good leadership, but that starts from good followership, there can never be a bad leadership with good followership or good leader with bad followership, the two must work in line. Its start from me and you beginning from where you find yourself, assume a leadership role, do the things you expect others to do, that way we all will be on the right tract. Join us today and add your friends to inspire more Biafrans as we march for our freedom @ https://facebook/groups/276024145885066/
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 07:42:23 +0000

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