A GOOD READ WRITTEN BY DR ANDERSON ! SEE HOW SHE DESCRIBES THIS COMMUNITY WHO LINE HER POCKETS !!! 8.Tom, I wish I could convey my thoughts and feelings as eloquently as you have here. Truly moving reading. You are not alone in your despair over the gross exploitation of the good naturedness and generosity of the people of Circular Head and the NorthWest. Here I have seen some of the finest but more recently, most vile sides of human nature. This community gives 110%, it punches way above its weight when it comes to support, donations, passion. This is evident whether they are arm in arm fighting a cause as noble as cancer or as pathologically irrational greenie bashing. Strong emotions are forged because of the resilience required to farm, fish, log and mine an extremely testing environment, forming the frontier personality of old which still sends shivers of respect down the spine of any who are privileged enough to speak with or hear the stories from the early days of settlement here. These days are long gone. The weather is much the same, the passion is still there but the undertone of prejudice, dangerous prejudice, has now reared an ugly head. The Unlock Tasmania and Pro Tarkine Development Coalition facebook pages have contained some of the most vile and violent expressions I have read (bar some from vegans but thats another story). I am at loss, after 8 years in Smithton working as a rural doctor in very trying circumstances of workforce shortage, after doing a little volunteer work with the local SES before work commitments took priority (I still volunteer with the Remote Area Search and Rescue as time permits given my technical skills better serving this than storm damage..), after trying my best to integrate this education-reformed Ipswich-raised bogan into a rural community with whom I felt some features of similarity, to explain where this delusional rot comes from. I am sure that not all of the pro-development supporters are vile, hateful, criminal activity endorsing rednecks. Far from it. However those that are are shouting the loudest and longest, and to my utter disbelief seem to be endorsed by local businesses, the local council and politicians. I cannot describe just how difficult it is to have a rational discussion over the Shree Minerals proposed mine is here. Firstly, finding someone willing or capable of such a discussion seems limited to the few educated enough to read and comprehend the EIS. There aint many. The impression I now have is that bullying and intimidation works. It must always have. There is no room for reason, or even common sense. The mob mentality and pathology of prejudice means that many here are ripe for the taking given the methods of manipulation can be so easily applied. Desperation never made for good, informed decision making. Making people feel desperate has never been easier and is as relentless in the media and political rants as the roaring 40’s. Surely one of the most hedionous crimes is to brainwash people into believing a false fear, knowing full well they can’t understand the complexities of the unemployment figures, they can’t withstand being in awe of a bloke with a microphone. Functional literacy is probably low, scientific literacy even lower, so any appreciation of environmental aspects is certainly not on the radar. Worse still, the levels of chronic disease in this community are skyrocketing. Nobody has even considered the evidence that mining will not only exacerbate this, but also probably cause more chronic malignant and non malignant disease in an area already overburdened. What they believe is that the more jobs thrown around in an election year will solve all the problems, and create none. Its that simple, because the politicians have learned to get the votes here, it has to be kept simple. A frightening and completely unethical way to treat such an otherwise beautiful community. #7 Andrew, I can empathise with the change in tone. When one has very positive experiences with people or places, then that changes to one of personal attack, its hard to fight the feelings of disappointment and betrayal. Whilst I love this area, and intend to stay given much of the positive, beautiful, empowering experiences with most of the people here, this is an extraordinarily testing time for anyone brave enough to advocate for what they believe is right, to warn of potential harm despite being very much against the grain of popular opinion. There is support for trying to garnish a more balanced, rational approach to the division over this issue, however my personal experience is that intimidation and threats stifle much of this from becoming very public. I have been warned to “be careful” when riding my bike. Does anything else need be said? I hope that when all this blows over, I’m still here, riding my bike, and thanking God for being able to live in this most beautiful part of Australia, people and land the same. Posted by Dr Nicole Anderson on 21/08/13 at 10:43 AM
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 04:12:42 +0000

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