A GREAT TEACHER The founder of this unique method is not a myth - TopicsExpress


A GREAT TEACHER The founder of this unique method is not a myth but a Great Teacher who actually lived in this world. He never tried to present himself as a supernatural being but as a human being who had himself realised the absolute truth: the cosmic of universal law, the secret of life and the real cause of suffering and happiness. He makes no claim to divinity. Today, this teacher is not only honoured by hundreds of millions of his followers but also by the culture people and intellectuals throughout the world. Although this Noble Man, this Liberator, this Social Reformer, this Democrat and Inspirer had passed away, he left behind a noble message for humanity to follow in order to eliminate human suffering, misery, fear, worry and unsatisfactoriness. From his message one can gain happiness in this life and in the life hereafter: The ultimate liberation of all human suffering. This great teacher comforted the bereaved. He helped the poor who were neglected. He ennobled the lives of the deluded and purified the lives of criminals. He consoled the weak, united the divided, enlightened the ignorant, clarified the doubts of mystics, elevated those debased and dignified the noble. Both the rich and the poor, the saintly and the criminal loved him. Despotic or Righteous Kings, famous or obscure princes and nobles, generous or stingy millionaires, haughty or intelligent scholars, and destitutes, paupers, down-trodden scavengers, wicked murderers, cannibals, despised courtesans - all benefited by his noble way of life, wisdom and compassion. His noble example is a source of inspiration to all. His serene and peaceful countenance was indeed soothing to the troubled. His message of peace and tolerance was welcomed by all with indescribable joy and was of lasting benefit to everyone who had the good fortune to hear and practise it. His iron will, profound wisdom, universal love, boundless compassion, selfless service, brave renunciation, perfect purity, magnetic personality, exemplary methods employed to introduce his teachings and his final success - all these factors have inspired about one fifth of the population of the world today to hail and honour this teacher as their supreme master. This noble teacher sacrificed his worldly pleasures for the sake of suffering humanity to seek the Truth and to show the path of deliverance from suffering. He visited the poor people whilst kings and ministers had to visit him. After his enlightenment he had dedicated 45 years of his life for guiding deluded human beings to lead meaningful, respectable and peaceful lives. This great teacher feared none nor did he instill fear in others. This is one quality that should be cultivated by all in this war-torn world of ours where the most precious thing - life - is sacrificed at the alter of brute force and where armaments are creating fear, tension and hatred. He also did not create temptations of sensual pleasure as a means to introduce his noble way of life. He was the perfect scientist in the study of life; the perfect psychologist who analysed the nature of the mind to the extent that his teaching was acclaimed as a scientific method. modern scientific discoveries never come in conflict with his teaching. To great philosophers and unbiased thinkers, he is a teacher who understood worldly conditions in its proper perspective. To moralists his teaching was the highest code of discipline. He symbolizes perfection. "He was the perfect model of all the virtues he preached". To rationalists, he the most liberal-minded noble teacher. To free-thinkers, he is a teacher who encouraged people to think independently to find out the truth. To agnostics, he is a very gentle and understanding teacher who guided humanity. He was no doubt the most persuasive of all the great teachers. He never used compulsion of fear as a means of gaining converts. He has introduced a noble way of life without even attacking a religious label to it. What he wanted was to see people living in harmony as cultured, harmless and contented human beings by upholding his noble advice. He was the humble servant of humanity, unperturbed by either praise or blame. He did not ask people to come and worship him or pray to him in order to gain salvation. He did not introduce his message by means of charismatic techniques or so called miraculous powers but by educating and convincing the public._()_
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 04:51:15 +0000

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