A GREAT WAY TO SEPARATE TRUTH SITES FROM DISINFO SITES There are three great nuclear related topics which can be used as a litmus test to know when a web site is real or run by a member of the opposition. Fortunately many of the big ones, such as Icke, Alex Jones, Natural News, WRH, and many of the smaller ones are true opposition, though a few may argue that Alex Jones is not. But he does pass this particular nuclear litmus test. Anyone who fails this test, which is an easy one, can only be the opposition because the truth is simply too self evident for anyone to miss, especially considering the high profile publications that at least told the truth (albeit often fleetingly). Undeniable and obvious truth #1 - The Japan earthquake was not as presented. The 9.0 earthquake never happened. All you need to know this fact is to look at the pictures of the perfectly undamaged cities as the nuclear tsunami rolls in, the Sendai damage reports, which reported zero collapsed structures, and the seismic records, which show the peak magnitude was 6.67 and 100 KM inland. This fact was perfectly corroborated by multiple Youtube videos which show no quake damage as the tsunami rolls in, and the fact that China and Korea had absolutely no damage, when Shanghai and Seoul should have been severely damaged, if not leveled if Japan really did have a 9.0+. Undeniable and obvious truth #2. - Fukushima could not have happened as stated in the MSM, and was in fact a virus attack timed to the weak man made earthquake and vastly over scale nuclear tsunami Stuxnet, which was written by the CIA and handed to Israel on a silver platter, caused the disasters at reactors 1 and 2, and mayhem at reactor 3 before the nuclear weapon, peddled off as a security camera by Israel, finished the job at 3. Reactors 3 and 4 had enhanced safety systems which would have prevented any virus from destroying them, so those two got the nukes. But that is beside the point with regard to Stuxnet. Heres the kicker - The Washington Times, Drudge Report, Infowars, WRH, Icke, Natural News, and any other site worth its salt reported that Stuxnet destroyed Fukushima by causing mayem in the safety shut down systems. Any site that avoided this topic and instead did nothing at all but trumpet ENE news and other nuclear scammers should be avoided, because if it is hidden from the public - the real reason why Fuku went haywire, it will lead to a culture of ignorance where Israeli attackers can destroy any facility they can manage to get a virus into. Magna BSP provided this opportunity at Fukushima. And Israel destroyed Fukushima to prove to Japan that there were no limits to what they would do to anyone who helped Iran with its nuclear program, and to anyone who did not give the bankers a bailout, which in Japans case was never owed in any way at all. As a side kicker, the Japanese were strongly opposing Jewish cultural influence and financial domination, yet another reason for the psychopaths in Tel Aviv to front a scam as big and nasty as a nuclear tsunami. Japans resolve changed after the Fuku disaster which maimed the country badly. After the disaster, the Japanese trashed their economy with a 170 trillion yen payout to the World Bank to end world poverty. This got expunged from the web after this web site made note of it. And anyone who avoids the topic of Stuxnet, Fukushima, and nuclear blackmail is aiding and abetting the zionists in their next attack, because such an attack can only be accomplished successfully against an unaware public. Fake alternative media will bury this, so exactly that can happen again and again and again. Now Sweden is under a similar threat. Reactor 4, which was defueled and had the core removed entirely for a scheduled replacement of the internal stainless steel shroud proved Fukushima sabotage when it exploded. Tepco has the receipts for the shroud, has proven the reactor was not only offline but completely disassembled as well, and has announced this publicly. Reputable news sites reported this fact, and even a few spurious ones did as well. These include the previously mentioned web sites, which despite misgivings by a few people out there actually stuck to the truth with regard to Fukushima. They may not have gone the whole hog with Fukushima truth, but at least they did not sit there spewing outright lies and fabrications. But if you are on the bandwagon with Arnie Gundersen and Rense, the cold hard truth - there is no way reactor 4 could have exploded while sitting wide open and without a core absent planted extreme high magnitude explosives will be a mystery to you. And since ANY prompt criticality requires an absolute minimum of 70 percent enriched fuel and would have vaporized all the rods if it happened in the fuel pool, Arnie with his prompt criticality is a jack booted thug of Fukushima disinfo with obvious fallacious statements about prompt criticalities in the fuel pool, when the fuel pool is still there with all fuel intact, and all of reactor 4 is blown to smithereens When all walls are added, reactor 4 had over 20 feet of concrete between the reactor and the outside of the containment in all directions but straight up, where it was five feet thick yet had all walls blown to smithereens to the North, South and West, and badly damaged to the East. Such a blast is beyond the reach of conventional explosives and can only be accomplished in a single blast with a low yield nuclear weapon. The hydrogen theory is laughable when the facility was fully purged with nitrogen, and the liberation of hydrogen takes place between pressurized steam and zircon at no less than 2000 degrees celsius. Later study revealed that the vent pipe that was blamed for feedbacking hydrogen gas into reactor 4s containment was completely blown away during the big blast at #3, so that story is impossible. With no core in the reactor, the fuel pool would have boiled off 1,900 degrees before any hydrogen liberation could have taken place, so between the nitrogen purge and no hydrogen present anyway, the hydrogen story at reactor 4 is laughable. Whether or not you agree with what it would take to blow away 20 feet of concrete, take a look at this classified photo which was uploaded to PinkTentacle by a whistleblowing nuclear engineer who worked at Fukushima and look at the disassembled reactor. This is Fukushimas building 7 NO IFS OR BUTS:
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 17:57:26 +0000

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