A GROWING MOUND OF TROUBLES One of the many fascinating abilities - TopicsExpress


A GROWING MOUND OF TROUBLES One of the many fascinating abilities we have as humans is the ability to time travel. We can walk through our future plans and identify possible hazards and make adjustments to prepare for them. Preparations for possible pitfalls is an essential skill in the very complicated world that we live in. We cannot haphazardly skip into the future ignorant of the reality of struggles. Time travel in our mind is not the same as the actual experience. We will never be able to develop a comprehensive enough plan in our heads which will account for every possible outcome of a situation. Life is too complex for us to do this. We have to be courageous enough to move forward with some uncertainty. Often it just appears that there is not enough money in the bank and time in the day to accomplish all that we need to accomplish. We fret and we worry so much about all the expenses and work that needs to be done that we experience so much anxiety that we accomplish nothing. By burying our heads in the sand, the never ending growing pile of bills, projects and responsibilities that desperately need our attention continue to accumulate and we fall farther and farther behind. The once manageable tasks become unmanageable and facing then becomes more and more difficult. Lives can get out of hand. Household chores pile up, bills accumulate and relationship grievances can overtake our abilities to forgive. Living life on its terms is complicated business and needs to be confronted one small step at a time. A healthy mixture of planning and doing is essential. There will always be more to do than we can mentally work our way through in our mind. If you are getting overwhelmed, take a moment to slow down, breathe deep, and then identify something of priority that needs to be done and get to doing it. The act of being fully engaged in the one thing will free your mind from the anxiety of all the other tasks which are looming in the future. It is important to be able to cross a few things off of our ‘to do’ list. By doing, you will find slowly but surely that life will begin to move forward. The anxiety of the undone and the fears of the unknowns will always be with us. Coupled with a healthy habit of doing we also need to nurture these precious skills of managing the anxiety. If we can’t manage the anxiety well, we will slip into habits of denial and avoidance. Denial and avoidance temporarily relieve us of the anxiety today but create an exponentially growing mound of troubles that will resurface down the road. Troubles that will require more resources, more time, and more skill to surmount than the ones originally avoided. ~Troy Murphy Flourishing Life Society
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:35:00 +0000

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